

歌名 Charlotte
歌手 Brand of Sacrifice
专辑 Godhand
[00:38.22] A heart no longer empty
[00:40.99] When the light of the hawk came forth
[00:43.65] The man who showed you potential
[00:46.63] Inspired by the dream and his resolve
[00:50.07] No longer bound by lust of your father
[00:55.38] No longer held by the grip of another
[01:01.35] But you remain under the spell of your lover
[01:06.62] When all he wants is the crown, not what you have to offer
[01:13.22] You remain ignorant to the acts that he commits
[01:18.66] You are truly devoted
[01:21.11] You are truly (Truly) devoted
[01:24.30] On that night, he stood outside to repair his pride
[01:29.82] You are truly devoted
[01:32.98] You are truly devoted
[01:36.69] You held on when the light was gone
[01:39.81] He was sent for endless torture
[01:41.89] Tongue removed, tendons cut
[01:45.39] The hawk at his lowest low
[01:48.62] A mere detour on the order of ascension
[01:53.69] Fuelled by anger and resentment
[01:56.94] Only a shadow of his former self
[01:59.70] But you remain under the spell of your lover
[02:04.90] When all he wants is the crown, not what you have to offer
[02:12.61] All a part of the dream (This life is not what it seems)
[02:18.02] A detour on the order of ascension
[02:24.10] All a part of the dream (This life is not what it seems)
[02:29.53] A detour on the order of ascension
[02:41.74] You remain ignorant to the acts that he commits
[02:47.36] You are truly devoted
[02:50.01] You are truly (Truly) devoted
[02:52.79] On that night, he stood outside to repair his pride
[02:58.87] You are truly devoted
[03:02.56] The kingdom is in his clutches
[03:04.82] Nothing can touch the invincible falcon
[03:07.82] The world can't be yours
[03:10.38] -END-
[00:38.22] 心不再空虚
[00:40.99] 当光芒之鹰出现
[00:43.65] 男人向你展现他的潜力
[00:46.63] 你被他的梦想和决心所激励
[00:50.07] 不再受你的父的贪欲束缚
[00:55.38] 决意不再因另一个人扣动心弦
[01:01.35] 但是你仍然被你的爱人所迷住
[01:06.62] 当他想要的只是王冠,而你无法给予
[01:13.22] 对他所犯的行为装作无知
[01:18.66] 你真的很投入
[01:21.11] 你真的很投入这份爱
[01:24.30] 那夜,他站在外边,试图挽回他的骄傲
[01:29.82] 你真的很投入
[01:32.98] 你彻底投入了爱
[01:36.69] 当“光”已经逝去 你还执意不放
[01:39.81] 他被送去接受无尽的折磨
[01:41.89] 切断舌头 拨皮抽筋
[01:45.39] 鹰跌入了谷底
[01:48.62] 这仅仅是受难升天的一个小曲折
[01:53.69] 被愤怒和怨恨所折磨
[01:56.94] 他在你心中只剩下了过去的影子
[01:59.70] 但是你仍然被你的爱人所迷住
[02:04.90] 当他想要的只是王冠,而你无法给予
[02:12.61] 这一切都是只是梦的一部分(现实不是它看起来的那样残酷)
[02:18.02] 只是受难升天的一个小曲折
[02:24.10] 这一切都是只是梦的一部分(现实不是它看起来的那样残酷)
[02:29.53] 只是受难升天的一个小曲折
[02:41.74] 你仍然不知道他犯的行为
[02:47.36] 你真的投入了和他的爱
[02:50.01] 你真的投入了和他的爱
[02:52.79] 那夜,他站在外边,挽回了他的骄傲
[02:58.87] 你真的投入了和他的爱
[03:02.56] 王国已经落入他的掌中
[03:04.82] 战无不胜的猎鹰无可匹敌
[03:07.82] 但他的世界已不可能属于你