

歌名 Godhand
歌手 Brand of Sacrifice
专辑 Godhand
[00:16.797] Guardians of desire
[00:36.767] We are the executors
[00:38.709] Our reign is never ending (Never ending)
[00:41.258] This is the day where the dark will eclipse light
[00:44.385] And change the course of humankind
[00:48.389] Activated by the beherit (Beherit)
[00:52.500] Revoking our ties to mankind
[00:58.713] We are supreme
[01:02.520] Activated by the beherit
[01:08.933] Reign over apostles as their masters
[01:17.773] We wait for the falcon to rise (The begin of demise)
[01:21.000] The king of longing begins (Begins) the new age
[01:31.588] Oh
[01:40.700] We are the God Hand, the God Hand
[01:43.920] You will never be set free
[01:45.400] This is the day where the dark will leave no man behind
[01:58.500] No man behind
[02:16.354] This is today's heinous end
[02:22.203] We have no remorse
[02:25.001] Witness is our forcing hand
[02:28.824] For today, we take the world back
[00:16.797] 来自“监护人”的期望
[00:36.767] 我们是他的遗愿的执行人
[00:38.709] 我们的统治永远不会结束(永不终结)
[00:41.258] 这是黑暗将遮蔽光明之日
[00:44.385] 由此人类的进程将会改写
[00:48.389] 由魔鬼激活
[00:52.500] 撤销我们与人类的联系
[00:58.713] 我们至高无上
[01:02.520] 由魔鬼激活
[01:08.933] 像他们的主人一样统治使徒
[01:17.773] 我们等待着猎鹰升起(死亡的开始)
[01:21.000] 渴望之王开始了新时代
[01:40.700] 我们是神之手 神之手
[01:43.920] 你永远不会得到自由
[01:45.400] 这一天所有人都无法逃出黑暗
[01:58.500] 没有人会被留下
[02:16.354] 这就是今天令人发指的结局
[02:22.203] 我们毫不后悔
[02:25.001] 我们的铁血手腕就是我们对此的证据
[02:28.824] 今天 我们要夺回世界