

歌名 Chaos
歌手 We Are Obscurity
专辑 Chaos
[00:07.24] I've seen entire planets scorched
[00:10.84] And soldiers' bones reduced to ashes
[00:14.33] Armies of thousands spread like mold
[00:17.30] Devour empires like a flash of plague
[00:22.67] My dreams are filled with pain and fever
[00:26.05] Dark Gods' beckon it's all that I can hear
[00:29.38] Kill! Tear Apart! Crush bones!
[00:32.90] Give in to the chaos!
[00:38.00] I was ripping apart the festering flash with my own hands, mourning for my brothers.
[00:44.02] I could barely remember that I'm a human, not a monster.
[00:50.34] Dye my hands with the blood of friends
[00:53.55] Feast on their pale decaying flesh
[00:56.76] Build myself a throne out of their skulls
[00:59.64] Torch their homes with kids locked inside
[01:03.19] My body became strong
[01:04.88] My brain filled with anger
[01:07.44] I'm ready to sacrifice my soul
[01:09.23] to you, The God of Violence!
[01:11.26] Put in my hand, the power of chaos.
[01:16.64] Please direct me to the enemies, Oh the Almighty!
[01:40.78] Bloody threads are weaving fates
[01:44.72] Scarlet dawns ignite the worlds
[01:48.00] And just like locust swarms
[01:49.74] Desolate the lands
[02:15.20] Heed me sordid brother
[02:16.26] Why do you stand before me?
[02:18.29] Don't you know what happens
[02:20.71] Every f**king time?
[02:22.02] I'm a monster, a butcher
[02:23.03] you'll drown in pain
[02:24.65] Can't you sense the fear?
[02:25.92] Can you hear your cranium cracking?
[02:27.54] The flesh peeling from your bones.
[02:29.32] So long, you piece o' sh*t
[02:31.50] Done with your sorry ass
[02:32.66] You're a useless bygone
[02:40.37] I've seen the fear
[02:47.26] I've seen the darkness
[02:49.14] I've seen the pain
[02:50.69] Everything
[02:51.91] Will be
[02:52.76] Devoured
[02:54.34] The Chaos
[02:57.59] Will come
[02:59.11] Join our ranks
[03:01.07] I've seen the fear
[03:03.24] I've seen the darkness
[03:05.02] I've seen the pain
[03:06.79] Everything
[03:07.49] Will be
[03:08.37] Devoured
[03:11.12] The Chaos
[03:13.39] Will come
[03:15.61] Join our ranks
[03:19.85] Or die
[00:07.24] 我曾目睹星球陨灭
[00:10.84] 将士遗骸化为灰烬
[00:14.33] 千军万马菌般蔓延
[00:17.30] 如瘟疫爆发席卷帝国
[00:22.67] 吾梦盈满痛苦与狂热
[00:26.05] 我只听到邪神召唤
[00:29.38] 杀死!撕裂!碾碎骨头!
[00:32.90] 臣服于混乱吧!
[00:38.00] 我亲手撕开溃烂星光,为弟兄们哀悼
[00:44.02] 我几乎忘了我是人,不是怪物
[00:50.34] 挚友之血染红我双手
[00:53.55] 享受他们惨白的腐肉
[00:56.76] 以彼颅骨为我铸王座
[00:59.64] 烧死他们锁在屋中的孩子
[01:03.19] 我的躯体日渐强壮
[01:04.88] 我的脑海满是愤怒
[01:07.44] 我已准备好向你
[01:09.23] 献祭我的灵魂,暴力之神!
[01:11.26] 交给我吧,混沌之力
[01:16.64] 神啊!请将我引向敌人
[01:40.78] 血丝编织的命运
[01:44.72] 猩红黎明引燃世界
[01:48.00] 如蝗虫群般
[01:49.74] 玷污这土地
[02:15.20] 听我说,丑恶的兄弟
[02:16.26] 为何站在我面前?
[02:18.29] 他妈的每一次?!
[02:20.71] 你都不知道发生什么了?
[02:22.02] 我是怪物,我是屠夫
[02:23.03] 你将溺毙在痛苦中
[02:24.65] 你感不到恐惧吗?
[02:25.92] 能听到你头盖骨在开裂吗?
[02:27.54] 你血肉正从骨头上脱落
[02:29.32] 好久不见,cnm!
[02:31.50] 再见了,可怜虫
[02:32.66] 你曾是个废物
[02:40.37] 我看见恐惧
[02:47.26] 我看见黑暗
[02:49.14] 我看见痛苦
[02:50.69] 一切
[02:51.91] 都将
[02:52.76] 被吞噬
[02:54.34] 混沌
[02:57.59] 将会
[02:59.11] 加入我们
[03:01.07] 我看见恐惧
[03:03.24] 我看见黑暗
[03:05.02] 我看见痛苦
[03:06.79] 一切
[03:07.49] 都将
[03:08.37] 被吞噬
[03:11.12] 混沌
[03:13.39] 将会
[03:15.61] 加入我们
[03:19.85] 或死去