歌手 Hot Sown 哈怂
[00:00.000] 作词 : Hot Sown 哈怂
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Hot Sown 哈怂
[00:05.326] Look at me, We Fake it til we make it like wanna-bes
[00:08.094] Wait for me, I was in my dream counting sheep
[00:11.080] we got the keys Already
[00:13.344] So Turn up the heat
[00:15.594] and drop the beat
[00:16.836] 来自纽约 来自 西安
[00:19.079] 从亚特兰大飞到台湾
[00:21.582] 都是哈怂 走到哪都皮干
[00:24.091] 岩浆里扬帆闭眼漂移过弯
[00:27.078] 急躁而且极端
[00:29.326] 目的就是想让他们难堪
[00:31.079] 不唬爛
[00:32.578] 年龄太小能力被质疑
[00:35.086] 没看到 我们脸上写着无敌?
[00:37.328] 初生牛犊不怕虎 别拦我们路
[00:39.577] 每个角度都酷 请你记住
[00:42.328] 别嫉妒惊讶到让你下巴掉
[00:44.828] 像只鹈鹕我们看着你想笑
[00:48.334] KY 妙笔生花
[00:52.086] The senator beats一首接一首地发
[00:52.839] Asianuzi开口就会让你爱上他
[00:55.591] Chillus告诉你什么是嘻哈
[00:58.084] 从一出生就是艺术家
[01:00.340] 不拿拼色盘也没差
[01:01.338] 莫名出现的黑马
[01:02.331] 买张机票送你们回家
[01:03.845] 说我们吹得太猛像匹诺曹
[01:06.583] 那请你们看好别被我们的鼻子打到
[01:09.083] 不用 戴口罩让全场燥
[01:11.575] 请排好队遵守秩序买票
[01:14.596] 我们还在摸索怎么去推广
[01:17.336] 下一步的目标就是时代广场
[01:20.331] 粉丝瞬间翻了几番
[01:22.841] 尖叫声把你耳朵刺穿
[01:25.578] 像西北风一般
[01:28.099] 从纽约一路漂洋过海到西安
[01:30.581] (Asianuzi)
[01:31.338] look-at my grade there are no Bs yeah it’s all A
[01:33.590] I’m tryna get paid but watching a dog is hard when you crave
[01:36.090] What did you say
[01:37.329] you better not treat me like I am your maid
[01:38.594] You wearing drip but take a big guess where you think it got made
[01:42.044] I know that my name isn’t big, I’m trying to get up I’m trying to get rich
[01:44.043] Yeah my skin is still as yellow, as Sid the science kid
[01:46.281] Yeah Let’s make a bid, how many rappers are asian that you know are big
[01:49.476] Were tryna dig, and find the gold, seal it tight with a lid and take it home
[01:52.971] Asian rappers are rare, I better not dare, but I do not care, I will just take in a breath of fresh air ,the pain I can bare I’m not scared
[01:58.230] Fake it till I make it
[01:59.724] can’t just say it
[02:00.222] can’t just wait it
[02:00.970] gotta crave it I don’t know odds but you bet that I’ll weigh it
[02:03.977] All these rappers together you mine as well call us a choir, just admire all we do is speak the truth we’re not liars, and you know the song will still be fire it’s our desire
[02:11.728] If you saw some rice, call me up cause I'll be there mired
[02:13.469] (The Senator)
[02:13.967] We fake til we make it
[02:15.471] We blowing up and haters getting mad, i guess they Can’t Take it
[02:17.980] Don’t play soccer so i guess you can’t Kick it
[02:20.974] Whatever you need yeah we gonna get the ticket
[02:23.970] I remember days coming back home starving, all alone, tryna figure out how to get the digits
[02:30.427] Tried to get my notes on the right tone, talking on the phone, I ain’t with the Beef unless you talking brisket
[02:34.670] Fake it, make it
[02:35.676] I want it, we take it
[02:37.428] Mercy not weakness, Don’t mistake it
[02:39.924] Wanna build up but i was too scared to Break it
[02:42.664] I was too chicken, but My mom would Shake and bake it
[02:45.158] Boy idgaf bout Where you From
[02:48.168] Cuz unlike you Im not that Dumb
[02:50.661] And we grinding not sitting on our Bum
[02:53.426] Now we getting big so the Money Stretch like gum
[02:56.166] Used to produce by the deli, tryna fill my belly, now they getting jelly, kroger up in Cincinnati
[03:01.158] Tryna be the goat like billy, like oh really, whatever doesn’t kill me, clubbin so i gotta caddy
[03:06.417] I remember always wanting to be in a Talent show
[03:09.425] 2 years ago like Where’d my talent go
[03:12.162] I gotta back if i’m gonna grow
[03:14.661] Now Im that Cool cat like a Calico
[03:17.168] the senator and Im so congressional, if you know me my m.o. Is professional
[03:22.660] I am more qualified to lead our country than our president i’m more Credible and ethical
[03:28.176] You wouldn’t even guess this is our first tape
[03:31.425] Or that its all recorded using an iphone 8
[03:35.177] Cuz we fake it til we make it But honestly the quality is telling me that we done made it
[00:05.326] (Chillus)
[00:08.094] 看我们,我们弄假成真
[00:11.080] 等等我,我还在梦里数羊
[00:13.344] 我们已经掌握了关键
[00:15.594] 所以把温度调高 开始播放音乐
[01:33.590] 看看我的成绩全是A没有B
[01:36.090] 我想赚钱但是遛狗赚不到什么
[01:37.329] 你说什么?
[01:38.594] 最好别把我当成你的仆人
[01:42.044] 你猜猜你身上穿的衣服是哪里产的?
[01:44.043] 我知道我的名字不够响亮,我正在努力变富有
[01:46.281] 我的皮肤还是黄的,就像Sid the science kid
[01:49.476] 咱们打个赌,你知道多少有名的亚洲说唱歌手?
[01:52.971] 我正在挖掘,找到金子之后,打包带回家
[01:58.230] 亚洲说唱歌手比较少,我不怕也不在乎,带来新鲜的空气,我能忍受住
[01:59.724] 弄假成真
[02:00.222] 不只是说说
[02:00.970] 不再等待
[02:03.977] 我渴望着衡量未知的东西
[02:11.728] 我们在一起,你可以说就像个唱诗班,仰慕我们因为我们只说真话不说假话,我们会火因为这是我们的愿望
[02:13.469] 如果你找到一些米,请叫我过来,因为我会想得到
[02:13.967] (The Senator)
[02:15.471] 我们弄假成真
[02:17.980] 我们名声大噪讨厌我们的人们很生气,可能他们只是接受不了
[02:20.974] 如果不会踢足球就别踢
[02:23.970] 你随时想要我们都有门票
[02:30.427] 我还记得那些饿着肚子独自回家担心账单的日子
[02:34.670] 试着把我的音在手机上唱准,我不想要任何beef除非你说的是真牛肉
[02:35.676] 弄假成真
[02:37.428] 我想要,我们得到
[02:39.924] 别弄错了,仁慈不是软弱
[02:42.664] 想爬得更高但是我当时害怕跌倒
[02:45.158] 当我害怕的时候妈妈鼓励了我
[02:48.168] 朋友我不管你来自哪
[02:50.661] 因为我不像你那么傻
[02:53.426] 我们在努力,没有停止
[02:56.166] 现在我们赚了很多钱一摞一摞
[03:01.158] 还记得当时在辛辛那提的商店里买三明治
[03:06.417] 像billy一样历史最佳,是真的,杀不死我的会让我更坚强
[03:09.425] 我还记得之前一直想上才艺展示节目
[03:12.162] 两年前我突然问我自己才华在哪
[03:14.661] 如果我想成长就需要依靠
[03:17.168] 我现在帅得像Calico
[03:22.660] 我坚韧正直
[03:28.176] 我比别人都更专业所以比别人更合适
[03:31.425] 你不知道我们第一首歌
[03:35.177] 是在手机上录制的 因为我们弄假成真