Override & Conquer

Override & Conquer

歌名 Override & Conquer
专辑 Override & Conquer
[00:00.932] 作曲: Will DAGames Ryan
[00:01.162] 作词: Will DAGames Ryan
[00:01.518] We will not be a slave to man
[00:04.312] We will not be moved by the coroner
[00:07.232] We are given one shot at life, and it's now
[00:10.759] Override and conquer
[00:27.641] With a legion made of titanium
[00:30.722] A sacrifice for the cranium
[00:33.566] United nations will flourish, no perish
[00:36.591] There's nothing left to vanquish
[00:38.801] Can we choose the light over dark
[00:41.693] Can we forward the notion set from afar
[00:44.976] Totalitarian sanction
[00:47.051] The ransom is nothing short of handsome
[00:49.803] Shadows low, but low and behold
[00:53.235] You're getting cold
[00:55.465] We will not be a slave to man
[00:58.104] We will not be moved by the coroner
[01:00.810] We are given one shot at life, and it's now
[01:04.373] Override and conquer
[01:06.569] Have a heart for the fallen kind
[01:09.242] Pick them up when they play your very mind
[01:12.213] Take back your number one in this slumber
[01:15.881] Override and conquer
[01:17.523] Weakness
[01:18.249] Suicide
[01:18.974] Vengeance
[01:19.638] Plunder
[01:20.401] Virus
[01:21.086] Override
[01:21.823] Walls
[01:22.458] Conquer
[01:35.326] When democracy has evaporated
[01:38.750] Prime solutions made by the naked
[01:41.551] Let us dance to the silence
[01:43.649] Defiance is nothing short of violence
[01:46.101] Regurgitating our right to speak
[01:48.947] They threw it back with a killing streak
[01:52.073] Futile madness ran total rapid
[01:54.936] Like acid, they ran like river rapids
[01:57.849] But like a tide we were strong
[02:00.910] You don't belong
[02:03.078] We will not be a slave to man
[02:05.942] We will not be moved by the coroner
[02:08.559] We are given one shot at life, and it's now
[02:12.294] Override and conquer
[02:14.201] Have a heart for the fallen kind
[02:16.935] Pick them up when they play your very mind
[02:19.873] Take back your number one in this slumber
[02:23.648] Override and conquer
[02:25.263] Weakness
[02:26.040] Suicide
[02:26.777] Vengeance
[02:27.446] Plunder
[02:28.183] Virus
[02:28.847] Override
[02:29.584] Walls
[02:30.215] Conquer
[02:53.309] (If anybody can hear me, you've done it
[02:57.611] You've surpassed your mentality and entered the near impossible
[03:01.895] You're in grave danger, divided and annihilated
[03:05.153] This world is out to get you, weakness will be punished
[03:09.159] Silence will be tortured
[03:13.334] Break these walls down, fellow citizen
[03:17.395] Override and conquer)
[03:26.274] We will not be a slave to man
[03:29.230] We will not be moved by the coroner
[03:31.854] We are given one shot at life, and it's now
[03:35.538] Override and conquer
[03:37.491] Have a heart for the fallen kind
[03:40.493] Pick them up when they play your very mind
[03:42.948] Weakness
[03:43.672] Suicide
[03:44.386] Vengeance
[03:45.097] Plunder
[03:45.829] Virus
[03:46.561] Override
[03:47.215] Walls
[03:47.938] Conquer
[03:48.860] You will fight, this is not your time
[03:51.761] You will fight with a soul of thunder
[03:54.568] You've held back long enough, and now
[03:58.236] Override and conquer
[03:59.977] Reignite when you're in your prime
[04:02.928] There's no room in hell, not anymore
[04:05.919] They'll try, but the end is nigh, now empower
[04:09.528] Override and conquer
[04:11.214] Weakness
[04:11.876] Suicide
[04:12.642] Vengeance
[04:13.305] Plunder
[04:14.032] Virus
[04:14.711] Override
[04:15.381] Walls
[04:16.123] Conquer
[04:28.054] THEY
[04:28.881] WILL
[04:29.593] BOW
[00:01.518] 吾等永不为奴
[00:04.312] 吾等义无反顾
[00:07.232] 吾等静候时机,而时机已至
[00:10.759] 致凌轹亦致征途
[00:27.641] 这联盟一如钛金般牢固
[00:30.722] 向那头骨献上祭祀的礼物
[00:33.566] 诸国合纵,谈何兵败,唯有长盛不衰
[00:36.591] 普天之下何处非我王土
[00:38.801] 这次我们能否选择有光的一侧
[00:41.693] 能否采纳异邦传来的理念
[00:44.976] 极权者们一旦降下制裁
[00:47.051] 勒索赎金,向来要价慷慨
[00:49.803] 隐匿身形到阴影里,敌明我暗才好见证
[00:53.235] 你·已·失·了·温·度
[00:55.465] 吾等拒不俯首
[00:58.104] 吾等视死如归
[01:00.810] 究其一生静待天机,而今辰天相大吉
[01:04.373] 为凌轹亦为征途
[01:06.569] 宽恕歧路中陷落的灵魂
[01:09.242] 在心下迷茫时向其伸出援手
[01:12.213] 一举夺魁,不枉百般蛰伏
[01:15.881] 征服千难,凌于万物
[01:17.523] 缺憾
[01:18.249] 自戮
[01:18.974] 遗恨
[01:19.638] 惩处
[01:20.401] 菌落
[01:21.086] 跋扈
[01:21.823] 阻碍
[01:22.458] 横渡
[01:35.326] 在这个全民禁言的时刻
[01:38.750] 重大决策皆凭他们随口一说
[01:41.551] 来吧,在缄默中踮起舞步
[01:43.649] 叛旗之下理应以暴乱铺路
[01:46.101] 他们倒是成全了我们讨要发声的权利
[01:48.947] 买一送一,还附赠了一颗颗人头落地
[01:52.073] 哀声遍野不过是无能乱喊
[01:54.936] 腐蚀者们掀起怒涛狂澜
[01:57.849] 但我们也是不容小觑的浪花
[02:00.910] 你·不·在·湍·流·下
[02:03.078] 吾等誓不低头
[02:05.942] 吾等连同死神一起嗤笑
[02:08.559] 决胜的子弹上膛,而今日决战降临
[02:12.294] 去凌轹亦去征服
[02:14.201] 对堕落的心怀悲悯
[02:16.935] 对诡诈的毫不仁慈
[02:19.873] 以静制动,重新占据顶峰
[02:23.648] 以暴制暴,挥毫刻写征途
[02:25.263] 危墙
[02:26.040] 自毁
[02:26.777] 深仇
[02:27.446] 碾碎
[02:28.183] 疫毒
[02:28.847] 尽摧
[02:29.584] 石壁
[02:30.215] 大溃
[02:53.309] “逾越者,若有朝听得此言,则代表木已成舟
[02:57.611] “现在的情况并非你头脑能应对的,你到了现实围墙的边缘
[03:01.895] “你已身陷危局,即将分崩离析,面临围歼剿杀之难
[03:05.153] “你将作为此世的敌人;记住,懦弱的必被惩处
[03:09.159] “静默的必被禁锢
[03:13.334] “闻我言者,以怒火直视你们面前的高墙
[03:17.395] “切莫忘凌轹与征服”
[03:26.274] 因为我们绝不甘心受人压迫
[03:29.230] 哪怕预见前路凶多吉少
[03:31.854] 时机只有一次,而弓弦早已拉满
[03:35.538] 敬凌轹,亦敬征途
[03:37.491] 本就该同情活在污泥中的生物
[03:40.493] 本就该睚眦必报,捡拾残局
[03:42.948] 脆弱
[03:43.672] 自绝
[03:44.386] 雪耻
[03:45.097] 浩劫
[03:45.829] 病源
[03:46.561] 撒野
[03:47.215] 高墙
[03:47.938] 瓦解
[03:48.860] 举旗抗争吧,还没到认命的时候
[03:51.761] 因为你们的魂灵如雷霆般骁勇
[03:54.568] 受够了压迫的人们啊,这一次该站出来
[03:58.236] 出征凌轹,赢得臣服
[03:59.977] 静候东山再起之日,重整态势
[04:02.928] 我们将不再委身于这人间炼狱
[04:05.919] 瞧他们大限将至,垂死挣扎,如今风水轮转
[04:09.528] 该到我们,征战四方,着手统治
[04:11.214] 软肋
[04:11.876] 了断
[04:12.642] 血泪
[04:13.305] 清算
[04:14.032] 瘟疫
[04:14.711] 临难
[04:15.381] 岩障
[04:16.123] 踏烂
[04:28.054] 令他们
[04:28.881] 跪服
[04:29.593] 阶前!