

歌名 Contradiction
歌手 Sonic Syndicate
专辑 Love And Other Disasters
[00:02.34] I used to be someone
[00:05.09] But I grew to be something that I'm not
[00:11.83] It feels like I'm cornered
[00:14.02] By everything that you really want
[00:22.27] Why are we here in this same old room
[00:31.65] We stand here, with damaged hope
[00:36.96] But still we carry on
[00:41.46] We both know and always will
[00:46.90] It cannot end like this
[00:51.78] We still have a long way to go
[00:56.77] It is kind of hard
[00:58.97] To look back on all the good times
[01:04.65] And realise nothing
[01:08.52] Will ever be like it used to be
[01:14.21] I wish you were someone I can only disengage
[01:20.59] You opened a lot of doors in me but just closed a few
[01:25.15] You're both the poison and the antidote
[01:29.90] Is my best not good enough for you?
[01:40.71] We stand here, with damaged hope
[01:46.21] But still we carry on
[01:50.34] We both know and always will
[01:55.96] It cannot end like this
[02:00.71] We still have a long way to go
[02:05.58] They didn't build Rome in a day
[02:16.16] We just need to ride out this storm
[02:20.66] (ride out this storm)
[02:34.89] We stand here, with damaged hope
[02:39.88] But still we carry on
[02:44.57] We both know and always will
[02:50.20] It cannot end like this
[02:54.19] We stand here, with damaged hope
[02:59.89] But still we carry on
[03:04.50] We both know and always will
[03:10.13] It cannot end like this
[03:14.89] We still have a long way to go
[00:02.34] 我曾像某个人
[00:05.09] 但我长大后成为了一个我不喜欢的人
[00:11.83] 感觉我被逼得走投无路了
[00:14.02] 你真正想要的一切
[00:22.27] 我们为什么在这间旧屋子里?
[00:31.65] 我们站在这里,带着毁灭与希望
[00:36.96] 但我们仍然继续
[00:41.46] 我们都知道,也永远不变
[00:46.90] 它不能像这样就结束了
[00:51.78] 我们还有漫漫长路要走
[00:56.77] 倍感困难
[00:58.97] 回顾过去的美好时光
[01:04.65] 却并没有什么值得
[01:08.52] 而将永远像过去一样
[01:14.21] 我希望你是唯一能让我解脱的人
[01:20.59] 你打开了我的许多门,但只是关闭了少数
[01:25.15] 你既是毒药又是解药
[01:29.90] 对你来说,我最好的还不够好吗?
[01:40.71] 我们站在这里,带着毁灭和希望
[01:46.21] 但我们终究会继续
[01:50.34] 我们都知道,而且永远不变
[01:55.96] 它不能像这样结束
[02:00.71] 我们还有漫漫长路要走
[02:05.58] 伟业非一日之功
[02:16.16] 我们只是需要渡过这场风暴
[02:20.66] 渡过这场风暴
[02:34.89] 我们站在这儿,带着毁灭和希望
[02:39.88] 但我们仍将继续
[02:44.57] 我们都知道,而且永远不变
[02:50.20] 不会像这般就此终结
[02:54.19] 我们站在这儿,带着毁灭与希望
[02:59.89] 但我们仍将继续
[03:04.50] 我们都知道,而且永远不变
[03:10.13] 不会就此结束
[03:14.89] 因为我们还有漫漫长路要走...