[00:00.000] |
作词 : YeeTRoop |
[00:01.000] |
作曲 : YeeTRoop |
[00:12.070] |
彷徨中魂不守舍 |
[00:13.312] |
创伤的刻骨铭心 |
[00:16.070] |
是否曾经历 是否很轻易 |
[00:18.567] |
掉入陷进无法自拔无法再清醒 |
[00:21.312] |
噩梦惊醒的感觉像驻扎在心底 |
[00:24.320] |
扰乱的思绪放在脑中搅拌 |
[00:27.312] |
想要做个了断是对自己的挑战 |
[00:30.566] |
无数次地问过自己到底是出了什么问题 |
[00:33.824] |
是什么样的环境造成现在这种困境 |
[00:35.825] |
怎么了 怎么了 我们到底怎么了 |
[00:38.567] |
一直没搞清楚自己到底犯了什么错 |
[00:41.313] |
怎么活 怎么活 日子应该怎么过 |
[00:44.817] |
为什么 一直重复受伤的人总是我 |
[00:47.313] |
难道这就是生活 艰难的生活 |
[00:50.567] |
你想要挣脱 那紧绷的绳索 |
[00:53.313] |
却没有办法改变命运是你的困惑 |
[00:56.322] |
寻找背负了沉重命运十字架的真我 |
[01:00.071] |
他在哪里 不见了还是没去搭理 |
[01:02.321] |
浮现了过往一些场景但他在哪里 |
[01:04.567] |
能否最终找到还是只能继续祷告 |
[01:07.575] |
人生的跑道从来没有捷径可以绕道 |
[01:11.063] |
我们应该认命还是在痛苦里成长 |
[01:13.064] |
选择一直在手却又总是把它遗忘 |
[01:16.072] |
熟悉的感觉像暴风雨般袭来 |
[01:19.314] |
涅槃重生是要研究一辈子的题材 |
[01:20.322] |
We can make it |
[01:22.072] |
That`s right we can make it |
[01:24.818] |
No matter how hard it is and we gonna finally face it |
[01:26.817] |
Yeah you can make it |
[01:30.568] |
All the troubles and problems you gonna eventually break it |
[01:33.064] |
其实我们都没错 只是低估了自己 |
[01:36.322] |
只是长大以后还带着那儿时的自己 |
[01:38.818] |
那时的我们还没有办法分辨对错 |
[01:41.826] |
只能凭直觉去保护我们以防有坠落 |
[01:44.569] |
但如今都已长大成人却还保持着习惯 |
[01:48.073] |
潜意识那头大象力量还在继续积攒 |
[01:49.327] |
We still can make it |
[01:49.577] |
Still can face it |
[01:51.065] |
Just don`t fake it |
[01:52.073] |
Chill and take it |
[01:52.569] |
Feel and embrace it |
[01:54.319] |
But don`t be crazy |
[01:55.065] |
我们能够做到 |
[01:56.569] |
对着伤痕不需跪舔 |
[01:57.065] |
我们能够做到 |
[01:59.577] |
战胜自己不需费血 |
[02:00.073] |
我们能够做到 |
[02:02.568] |
唤醒内心真实自我 |
[02:03.064] |
我们能够做到 |
[02:04.819] |
用心倾听深处诉说 |
[02:08.073] |
永远不要低估藏在你身体里的潜力 |
[02:10.319] |
千万一定记住不要再把自己贬低 |
[02:13.065] |
除了你以外没有任何人可以抛弃你 |
[02:15.577] |
生活就是种修炼必须找到它的意义 |
[02:16.815] |
We can make it |
[02:18.073] |
That`s right we can make it |
[02:20.320] |
No matter how hard it is and we gonna finally face it |
[02:23.578] |
Yeah you can make it |
[02:27.066] |
All the troubles and problems you gonna eventually break it |
[02:28.320] |
We can make it |
[02:30.074] |
That`s right we can make it |
[02:32.570] |
No matter how hard it is and we gonna finally face it |
[02:35.327] |
Yeah you can make it |
[02:39.578]] |
All the troubles and problems you gonna eventually break it |
[02:42.074] |
生命的意义在于成为你自己 |
[02:44.320] |
我们到底为何而活关键是这句 |
[02:47.328] |
过去的伤痛不应该让我们放纵 |
[02:49.578] |
也没有必要深陷沉重而不去放松 |
[02:53.578] |
无常会发生在每个人的身上 |
[02:56.816] |
这很正常 没有必要慌张 |
[02:59.825] |
如何看待需要我们自己去体会 |
[03:02.321] |
放下分别心负面感觉不用去挤兑 |
[03:04.075] |
Life is struggle 日子还要过 |
[03:06.816] |
品尝喜怒哀乐还有数不尽的troubles |
[03:09.578] |
Believe me Just take it easy |
[03:12.817] |
还记得吗 刚才说过的生命的意义 |
[03:15.825] |
继续跑吧带着赤子的骄傲 |
[03:18.075] |
生命的闪耀不坚持到底怎能看到 |
[03:21.067] |
放下执念就是不再吹毛求疵 |
[03:25.067] |
我们唯一要做到的就是事实求是 |
[03:25.579] |
We can make it |
[03:27.329] |
That`s right we can make it |
[03:30.571] |
No matter how hard it is and we gonna finally face it |
[03:32.572] |
Yeah you make it |
[03:36.818] |
All the troubles and problems you gonna eventually break it |
[03:37.068] |
We can make it |
[03:39.580] |
That`s right we can make it |
[03:42.571] |
No matter how hard it is and we gonna finally face it |
[03:44.817] |
Yeah you can make it |
[03:48.075] |
All the troubles and problems you gonna eventually break it |
[03:51.067] |
That`s right we can make it |
[03:58.672] |
Yeah you can make it |