You'll Never Walk Alone

You'll Never Walk Alone

歌名 You'll Never Walk Alone
歌手 Ane Brun
专辑 You'll Never Walk Alone
[00:06.60] When you walk through a storm
[00:10.51] Hold your head up high
[00:14.23] And don't be afraid of the dark
[00:20.77] At the end of a storm is a golden sky
[00:28.65] And the sweet silver song of a lark
[00:36.44] Walk on through the wind
[00:39.90] Walk on through the rain
[00:43.58] Though your dreams be tossed and blown
[00:51.70] Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
[01:05.63] And you'll never walk alone
[01:19.75] You'll never, ever walk alone
[01:40.61] Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
[01:55.03] And you'll never walk alone
[02:08.79] You'll never, ever walk alone
[00:06.60] 当你在狂风暴雨中穿行
[00:10.51] 记得永不低下你的头
[00:14.23] 别畏惧黑暗
[00:20.77] 因为风雨的尽头会有金色的光芒照耀蓝天
[00:28.65] 还会有云雀悦耳的吟唱在耳边
[00:36.44] 在狂风中继续前进
[00:39.90] 在大雨中继续前进
[00:43.58] 也许你的梦想被毁灭,它从未实现
[00:51.70] 也要继续前行,心中怀着希望
[01:05.63] 而你永远不会独自走在这路上
[01:19.75] 你将永不独行
[01:40.61] 继续前行,心中怀着希望
[01:55.03] 而你永远不会独自走在这路上
[02:08.79] 你将永不独行