

歌名 Hills
歌手 Cody Christian
专辑 Hills
[00:00.000] 作词 : Cody Christian
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Cody Christian
[00:02.514] It's how it is
[00:04.493] And she on a pill
[00:06.514] We looking for thrills
[00:08.441] Wanna know what it feels like
[00:10.367] Cause I'm in the hills
[00:12.286] And she on a pill
[00:14.352] We looking for thrills
[00:16.326] Is this even real life?
[00:18.419] Is this even real?
[00:20.376] We looking for thrills
[00:21.844] Cause we love the appeal
[00:23.917] Wanna know what it feels like
[00:26.032] This may be my last night
[00:27.676] My flow is way past nice
[00:28.990] Passed on to me of from a past life
[00:30.894] The girl that is ridding with me
[00:32.173] Yo, you better believe
[00:33.227] That that ass nice
[00:34.444] Know I won't ask twice
[00:36.048] But I’m a gentleman, course ima ask nice
[00:38.409] Shot of adrenaline
[00:39.706] Benefitting
[00:40.226] Off the fact that I never fit in
[00:41.534] **** a sword, yo, just give me a pen
[00:43.176] And let me begin to do damage
[00:44.886] I'm damaging
[00:45.368] Tell me who's next, I'll dismantle them
[00:47.174] Flows for the foes, I just know how to handle em
[00:48.802] Sharp as Valyrian steel
[00:50.239] How do I feel?
[00:51.522] Feel like I shouldn't accept what I see
[00:53.163] I'm everything you didn’t expect me to be
[00:55.401] Except when I step to the beat
[00:58.252] Gotta be better than whatever my best will ever be
[01:00.622] Pick up the flow and inspect it, you’ll see
[01:02.438] Damn near impeccable
[01:03.450] Not a defect thats detectable
[01:04.795] We’re not comparable
[01:05.738] You are acceptable
[01:07.676] I am exceptional
[01:08.713] I’m indispensable
[01:09.350] You are expendable
[01:10.362] Shallow as ****
[01:11.460] So one dimensional
[01:12.448] No I’m not hatin, just sayin
[01:13.882] The words that you’re sayin are incomprehensible
[01:16.361] Rap nowadays is just so hard to listen to
[01:19.102] Guess you can say that I'm losin it
[01:20.312] End rap pollution
[01:21.247] With verses I’m usin as nooses
[01:22.820] To tie up the loose ends
[01:23.761] Reducin the noise and the nuisance
[01:25.177] Abusin the power the moment I get it
[01:27.099] Been waiting forever to say that I did it
[01:29.167] I made a decision and nurtured a vision
[01:31.878] Already yours if you see it
[01:33.462] A secret been keepin forever
[01:34.865] I think it’s bout time that I share it
[01:36.125] Just give me a minute
[01:37.188] For now I just think Ima chill
[01:38.963] Cause I’m in the hills
[01:40.838] And she on a pill
[01:42.641] We looking for thrills
[01:44.762] Wanna know what it feels like
[01:46.665] Cause Im in the hills
[01:48.654] And she on a pill
[01:50.742] We looking for thrills
[01:52.655] Is this even real life?
[01:54.721] Is this even real?
[01:55.472] So we crusin music up
[01:56.763] Windows down don’t give a ****
[01:58.748] Bumping flows I made for us
[02:00.839] Roll one up and take a puff
[02:02.761] Dont know why you actin tough
[02:04.728] Got no card for me to pull so guarantee I’ll call yo bluff
[02:08.782] Damn, them flows sure sound like us
[02:10.896] Damn, them flows sure sound like us
[02:12.843] Who let you listen to my stuff?
[02:14.851] It’s cool I got more than enough
[02:16.765] Best of luck, the road you chose is tough
[02:19.162] You need to lighten up
[02:20.774] Not your competition, all this rap ****, do it just for fun
[02:24.779] But imagine I become the one
[02:27.251] Cause I got a flow thats capable of anything
[02:28.656] I’m makin women sing when I pass em on the street
[02:30.802] Out and about all I hear is Do-Re-Mi
[02:32.755] Guess its kinda clear why ya team hate me
[02:34.737] But me I’m crusin through the canyons and the view is immaculate
[02:37.225] And nothins ever new cause if I have it I had to imagine it
[02:39.375] I’m at it again with a pad and a pen
[02:40.979] I gotta whack rapper to end
[02:42.027] And ever since I was kid
[02:43.114] Using imagination to paint a vision that I’m chasin
[02:44.978] They wanna call me impatient
[02:46.089] But its been 12 years, I’ve been patiently waiting
[02:48.040] To feel this feeling of elation
[02:49.090] To look my mom in the eyes and finally tell her we made it
[02:52.269] It’s so apparent I’m worth way more than what they payin
[02:54.695] There’s no debatin
[02:58.901] Cause I’m in the hills
[03:00.778] And she on a pill
[03:03.275] We looking for thrills
[03:04.638] Wanna know what it feels like
[03:06.599] Cause Im in the hills
[03:08.559] And she on a pill
[03:10.588] We looking for thrills
[03:12.647] Is this even real life?
[03:14.779] Is this even real?
[00:02.514] 这一切本该如此
[00:04.493] 她深陷囹圄
[00:06.514] 我们寻求刺激
[00:08.441] 想体验颤栗的感觉
[00:10.367] 既然我已在高岗之上
[00:12.286] 而她身陷囹圄
[00:14.352] 那我们就来寻求刺激
[00:16.326] 这还是真实的世界吗?
[00:18.419] 这世界还真实吗?
[00:20.376] 我们寻求刺激
[00:21.844] 我们深受吸引
[00:23.917] 想体验刺激的感觉
[00:26.032] 今晚我最后一次在这里过夜
[00:27.676] 我体内洪流汹涌
[00:28.990] 过去的点点滴滴重现在我的眼前
[00:30.894] 与我一同驰骋的女孩
[00:32.173] 令人难以置信
[00:33.227] 她身材曼妙
[00:34.444] 要知道这是我们最后一次约会
[00:36.048] 作为一个绅士,我会让这次约会无可挑剔
[00:38.409] 有如一剂强心针
[00:39.706] 正合我意
[00:40.226] 在不在状态先放在一边
[00:41.534] 给我一支笔我就能大开杀戒
[00:43.176] 现在,让我来大显身手
[00:44.886] 我要大肆破坏
[00:45.368] 告诉我下一个目标,我会把他们一一抹去
[00:47.174] 我心中汹涌的波涛懂得如何席卷敌手
[00:48.802] 它如瓦雷利亚钢一般锋利
[00:50.239] 你问我作何感觉
[00:51.522] 满眼所见连我自己都难以接受
[00:53.163] 我就是你一切憎恶的化身
[00:55.401] 但当我跟着音乐的节奏
[00:58.252] 我就变得比理想状态更加优秀
[01:00.622] 让这股波涛流入你的心田
[01:02.438] 你就会知道什么叫无可挑剔
[01:03.450] 什么叫白璧无瑕
[01:04.795] 我们无与伦比
[01:05.738] 你为人称赞
[01:07.676] 我超凡绝伦
[01:08.713] 我无可替代,举世无双
[01:09.350] 你对我已经不再重要
[01:10.362] 我不再需要你如影随形
[01:11.460] 在这个次元
[01:12.448] 不,我并不讨厌你,只是随口一说
[01:13.882] 你的话语令人费解
[01:16.361] 现在的说唱为何如此不堪入耳
[01:19.102] 我猜你肯定会说我沉溺其中
[01:20.312] 迷失在没有营养的说唱里面
[01:21.247] 唱词像枷锁般
[01:22.820] 将我牢牢束缚
[01:23.761] 让嘈杂的流言沉寂
[01:25.177] 我的洪荒之力喷涌而出
[01:27.099] 我一直等待着告诉世人:这是我的作为
[01:29.167] 我下定决心,憧憬愿景
[01:31.878] 如果你们已经察觉
[01:33.462] 在我心里潜藏已久的那个秘密
[01:34.865] 那是时候将其公之于众了
[01:36.125] 给我一分钟
[01:37.188] 我感觉自己正在战栗
[01:38.963] 既然我已在高岗之上
[01:40.838] 而她深陷囹圄
[01:42.641] 那我们就来寻求刺激
[01:44.762] 想体验颤栗的感觉
[01:46.665] 既然我已在高岗之上
[01:48.654] 而她深陷囹圄
[01:50.742] 那我们就来寻求刺激
[01:52.655] 这还是真实的世界吗?
[01:54.721] 这世界还真实吗?
[01:55.472] 我们将音乐大卸八块
[01:56.763] 破旧立新,无怨无悔
[01:58.748] 我体内的洪流奔涌袭来
[02:00.839] 撸起袖子,深吸一口气,准备大干一场
[02:02.761] 是什么让你举步维艰
[02:04.728] 你并不高明,亦无成竹在胸 你只是虚张声势
[02:08.782] 该死,他们的节奏怎么和我们的如此相似
[02:10.896] 他们的韵律怎么和我们的如出一辙
[02:12.843] 是谁允许你偷听我的心血
[02:14.851] 我所得到的足以满足需求
[02:16.765] 前路艰难,祝你好运
[02:19.162] 放轻松点
[02:20.774] 所有的说唱都是垃圾,你也浅尝辄止玩玩就好
[02:24.779] 但要是我也成为其中一员
[02:27.251] 大概是因为我心中的洪流吞噬一切,从中作祟
[02:28.656] 大街上见到我的女士无不心花怒放
[02:30.802] 每每出门到处都是音符环绕
[02:32.755] 我猜这就是其他说唱歌手讨厌我的原因
[02:34.737] 可是我心中的洪流正在峡谷中奔腾,景象壮观,一气呵成
[02:37.225] 毫无新意可言,新意早已在我脑中
[02:39.375] 我又一次提起纸笔
[02:40.979] 我要重创这些说唱歌手,终结他们
[02:42.027] 从此像个孩子一样
[02:43.114] 以想象为笔,涂鸦未来
[02:44.978] 他们批评我缺乏耐心
[02:46.089] 但是我已经耐心地等待了整整12年
[02:48.040] 等着体会喜悦的感觉
[02:49.090] 等着与母亲四目相对,告诉她我的辉煌成就
[02:52.269] 显而易见,我的才华远超他们开出的价钱
[02:54.695] 这一点毋庸置疑
[02:58.901] 既然我已在高岗之上
[03:00.778] 而她身陷囹圄
[03:03.275] 那我们就来寻求刺激
[03:04.638] 想体验颤栗的感觉
[03:06.599] 既然我已在高岗之上
[03:08.559] 而她身陷囹圄
[03:10.588] 那我们就来寻求刺激
[03:12.647] 这还是真实的世界吗?
[03:14.779] 这世界还真实吗?