On The Square

On The Square

歌名 On The Square
歌手 Mac Demarco
专辑 Here Comes The Cowboy
[00:00.000] 作词 : Mac Demarco
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Mac Demarco
[00:25.05] Brother's hands
[00:29.27] This time it’s in brother's hands
[00:35.52] Baby are you satisfied
[00:41.83] Is this all you had in mind
[01:14.48] On the square
[01:18.88] Live a life that isn't there
[01:23.60] Square it up
[01:28.15] Call me once you’ve had enough
[01:36.43] Brother's hands
[01:40.96] Feel the grip of brother's hands
[01:46.74] Maybe it's been rectified
[01:53.18] Locked outside and left to die
[02:26.19] On the square
[02:29.91] Live a life that isn't there
[02:36.01] Square it up
[02:39.74] Call me once you've had enough
[02:45.05] On the square
[02:49.33] Live a life that isn't there
[02:54.16] Square it up
[02:58.77] Call me once you've had enough
[00:25.05] 你的手终究还是
[00:29.27] 与我兄弟的手握在一起
[00:35.52] 你是如此心满意足
[00:41.83] 因为这是你的毕生所愿
[01:14.48] 站在宽敞的广场上
[01:18.88] 无所事事
[01:23.60] 以图度过难熬时光
[01:28.15] 你只会在闲来无事时才会唤我一句
[01:36.43] 那是我的兄弟
[01:40.96] 紧握着你的手心
[01:46.74] 甚至还调整了姿势
[01:53.18] 将我屏蔽在外 视若无睹
[02:26.19] 站在宽敞的广场上
[02:29.91] 无所事事
[02:36.01] 以图度过难熬时光
[02:39.74] 你只会在闲来无事时才会唤我一句
[02:45.05] 站在宽敞的广场上
[02:49.33] 无所事事
[02:54.16] 以图度过难熬时光
[02:58.77] 你只会在闲来无事时才会唤我一句