One Single Day

One Single Day

歌名 One Single Day
歌手 Starlyte
专辑 One Single Day
[00:08.54] Everything we need to know
[00:12.76] Our carzy hearts beat as they're one
[00:16.80] On and on
[00:22.86] When we're together
[00:25.36] We're so happy
[00:27.71] How could we make this day last all life long?
[00:33.63] On and on
[00:38.70] And if we had one single day
[00:43.33] What would you say about this?
[00:46.80] What if we run so far away
[00:50.82] Just to escape from all of this
[00:54.32] And if we had one single day
[00:58.28] What would you say about this
[01:01.91] What if we run so far away
[01:05.78] Just to escape from all of this
[01:20.19] Just to escape from all of this
[01:36.54] Just to escape from all of this
[01:45.78] When you're so far
[01:48.58] Text me a message
[01:50.60] And those few words for me are more than words
[01:54.49] They'll get right to my blood
[02:01.32] And when I'm so close
[02:03.49] You whisper secrets
[02:05.43] I'd love to whisper that just all day long
[02:11.34] On and on
[02:16.84] And if we had one single day
[02:20.87] What would you say about this?
[02:24.28] What if we run so far away
[02:28.10] Just to escape from all of this
[02:31.76] And if we had one single day
[02:35.70] What would you say about this
[02:39.34] What if we run so far away
[02:43.30] Just to escape from all of this
[02:58.85] Just to escape from all of this
[03:11.54] Just to escape from all of this
[00:08.54] 令我一直不敢相信的是
[00:12.76] 我们的心跳,竟是如此地合拍
[00:16.80] 永远,永远
[00:22.86] 当你在我的身旁
[00:25.36] 我们是如此的快乐
[00:27.71] 可这世上,又有什么办法能让你永不离去?
[00:33.63] 永远,永远
[00:38.70] 如果,我们可以抽出一天时间
[00:43.33] 你又会和我说些什么呢?
[00:46.80] 如果,我们跑到了很远的地方
[00:50.82] 我们将在万籁俱寂的天空下互诉衷肠
[00:54.32] 如果,我们可以抽出一天时间
[00:58.28] 你又会和我说些什么呢?
[01:01.91] 我们跑到了很远的地方
[01:05.78] 我们将在万籁俱寂的天空下互诉衷肠
[01:20.19] 我们将在万籁俱寂的天空下互诉衷肠
[01:36.54] 我们将在万籁俱寂的天空下互诉衷肠
[01:45.78] 当你离去的时候
[01:48.58] 你给我留下了一条短信
[01:50.60] 寥寥言语,却深入我心中
[01:54.49] 他们流进了我的血液
[02:01.32] 当我轻轻地走近你
[02:03.49] 你轻言向我倾诉你的秘密
[02:05.43] 而我想对你说的话,一整天也说不完
[02:11.34] 永远,永远
[02:16.84] 如果,我们可以抽出一天时间
[02:20.87] 你又会和我说些什么呢?
[02:24.28] 如果,我们跑到了很远的地方
[02:28.10] 我们将在万籁俱寂的天空下互诉衷肠
[02:31.76] 如果,我们可以抽出一天时间
[02:35.70] 你又会和我说些什么呢?
[02:39.34] 如果,我们跑到了很远的地方
[02:43.30] 我们将在万籁俱寂的天空下互诉衷肠
[02:58.85] 我们将在万籁俱寂的天空下互诉衷肠
[03:11.54] 我们将在万籁俱寂的天空下互诉衷肠