Call It a Day

Call It a Day

歌名 Call It a Day
歌手 Tommy Ljungberg
专辑 Call It a Day
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Tommy Ljungberg
[00:19.67] Dream up a world of pirates
[00:23.93] Climb the highest tree
[00:26.42] Fall down
[00:28.75] "Mama, I'm fine, don't worry"
[00:33.31] Go back out to sea
[00:35.36] Sail home
[00:37.82] Sweet home
[00:40.06] where the ships must go
[00:44.51] To get all cleaned up and put away
[00:53.92] Call it a day
[01:05.26] Fight off a thousand monsters
[01:09.71] Hiding in the sands
[01:12.10] On Mars
[01:14.47] Hijack a flying saucer
[01:18.81] Steady on the hand
[01:21.15] Fly home
[01:23.14] Sweet home
[01:25.82] Where the saucers go
[01:30.48] To get all cleaned up and put away
[01:39.65] Call it a day
[02:07.13] Back home
[02:09.21] Sweet home
[02:11.46] Where the heroes go
[02:15.81] To get all cleaned up
[02:20.96] Anyway
[02:25.13] Let's call it a day
[00:19.67] 畅游在梦中的海盗世界
[00:23.93] 奋力爬上那棵最高的树
[00:26.42] 却无端坠落
[00:28.75] 我仍安慰道,“妈妈,不用担心,一切都好。”
[00:33.31] 回到了那片属于自己的海洋
[00:35.36] 扬帆向家驶去
[00:37.82] 温馨的家
[00:40.06] 是所有船儿终会停泊于此的港湾
[00:44.51] 发散的思维归拢收好放入盒子
[00:53.92] 今日的想象世界迎来了夜幕
[01:05.26] 和数千只梦中的怪兽激战
[01:09.71] 藏匿于火星上的沙土之中
[01:12.10] 稍作休息
[01:14.47] 劫持一架路过的倒霉飞碟
[01:18.81] 用最后的力气牢牢抓着顺风车
[01:21.15] 让它带我慢慢飞回远方的家
[01:23.14] 甜蜜的家
[01:25.82] 是每一架飞碟都会到达的目的地
[01:30.48] 发散的思维归拢收好放入盒子
[01:39.65] 今日的天马行空告一段落
[02:07.13] 回家
[02:09.21] 回到那个温馨而甜蜜的家
[02:11.46] 它是每个在自己世界里征战而归的英雄的牵挂之地
[02:15.81] 孩子心中的永无岛到了闭岛时刻
[02:20.96] 总之
[02:25.13] 今天先到此为止吧