Make America Hate Again

Make America Hate Again

歌名 Make America Hate Again
歌手 Thy Art Is Murder
专辑 Human Target
[00:00.000] 作词 : Andrew Marsh/Sean Delander/Christopher McMahon/Jesse Beahler
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Andrew Marsh/Sean Delander/Christopher McMahon/Jesse Beahler
[00:13.970] Hostility
[00:17.261] Your leaders are now your enemies
[00:21.489] They'll make America great again
[00:23.990] **** no!
[00:25.691] Let's make America hate again
[00:28.324] Peace talks are off the table
[00:29.983] It's time for violent action
[00:31.728] Pushed to the brink
[00:32.859] Tell me what the **** ya think would happen
[00:35.139] Suffered through holy wars
[00:36.498] But now the fight is at our door
[00:38.516] Natives are restless
[00:40.588] We will not accept this
[00:42.063] I dream of endless floods
[00:44.737] Let freedom rain in buckets of blood
[00:47.956] What will it take to be free
[00:50.533] The only answer is
[00:52.568] Hostility
[00:56.029] Your leaders are now your enemies
[01:00.161] They'll make America great again
[01:02.715] **** no!
[01:04.401] Let's make America hate again
[01:07.354] I'm done with pacifism
[01:10.754] You can't debate with demons
[01:14.162] Burn down the house that betrays us
[01:17.402] I want blood
[01:19.980] I want chaos
[01:21.854] More chaos
[01:23.417] More chaos
[01:25.109] More chaos
[01:31.316] Let's make America hate again
[01:48.289] The propaganda machine
[01:49.920] Spills its patriotic pus in the streets
[01:52.644] We lap it up, drunk on fantasy
[01:55.193] You never practice what you preach
[01:57.352] A servant's life is incomplete
[02:00.235] What will it take to be free
[02:03.892] I dream of endless floods
[02:09.007] Let freedom rain in buckets of blood
[02:17.728] I dream of endless floods
[02:22.759] Let freedom rain in buckets of blood
[02:30.521] Hostility
[02:32.201] Your leaders are now your enemies
[02:36.357] They'll make America great again
[02:38.900] **** no!
[02:40.612] Let's make America hate again
[02:47.082] Let's make America hate again
[02:55.363] Hostility
[03:00.062] Your leaders are now your enemies
[03:03.615] Hostility
[03:07.021] Your leaders are now your enemies
[00:13.970] 与全世界为敌!!!
[00:17.261] 你所谓的领导者现在成了你的敌人
[00:21.489] 让霉果再次伟大?
[00:23.990] 去tn的!
[00:25.691] 让霉果成为全世界的众矢之的吧!
[00:28.324] 和平的谈话已经结束
[00:29.983] 该是它们动手的时候了!
[00:31.728] 我们无路可退
[00:32.859] 你绝比知道会有地方会被“自由”攻击
[00:35.139] 要在这场“神圣的战争”中遭难
[00:36.498] 但战火已烧到了我们的土地
[00:38.516] 搅得我们不得安宁
[00:40.588] 可我们不会坐以待毙
[00:42.063] 我,幻想着那滔天洪水
[00:44.737] 让那“滋油”的血雨下在我们每个人的脸上
[00:47.956] 但“滋油”的代价是什么?
[00:50.533] 答案只会是——
[00:52.568] 战争!!!
[00:56.029] 你的敌人,就在白宫
[01:00.161] 让霉果再次强大?
[01:02.715] 好一个熏天臭屁!
[01:04.401] 就让霉果成为世界的眼中钉吧
[01:07.354] 我已经受够了霉果所说的“和平”
[01:10.754] 恶魔可不会和你摆事实讲道理
[01:14.162] 白宫背叛了我们,那就得烧了它
[01:17.402] 我想让他们也尝尝流血的滋味
[01:19.980] 我渴望他们更多的混乱!
[01:21.854] 混乱!
[01:23.417] 混乱!!
[01:25.109] 混乱!!!
[01:31.316] 让”滋油“的霉果成为过街老鼠
[01:48.289] 宣扬伪自由的机器
[01:49.920] 在街头放他那热爱霉国的臭屁!
[01:52.644] 我们喝着啤酒,以它作乐
[01:55.193] 它向来是言行不一,说一套做一套
[01:57.352] 当”滋油“的奴隶可是悲惨的
[02:00.235] 而变得"滋油“的代价又是什么呢?
[02:03.892] 我盼望那洪水滔天
[02:09.007] 就让这”滋油“的血雨下在我们脸上吧!
[02:17.728] 我也幻想着那瓢泼大雨
[02:22.759] 就让这”滋油“的雨以血的代价降临在这土地上吧!
[02:30.521] 战争!!!
[02:32.201] “敌在华盛顿”
[02:36.357] 他们会让霉果再次伟大?
[02:38.900] 天大的笑料!
[02:40.612] 让霉果成为众矢之的!
[02:47.082] 让霉果也闻闻战火的硝烟!
[02:55.363] 战火烧尽!
[03:00.062] 你的领导者已与你们为敌!
[03:03.615] 又有人惨死于导弹,子弹之下
[03:07.021] 你的领导者就是你的敌人!