

歌名 Reptilians
歌手 Bear Hands
专辑 Reptilians
[00:00.000] 作词 : Bear Hands/Christopher Chu
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Bear Hands/Christopher Chu
[00:13.55] And it‘s all
[00:17.55] Part of a plan
[00:23.00] No question ask
[00:26.59] And it's all possible
[00:30.58] In your hands
[00:35.35] No question ask
[00:39.45] International slate
[00:43.00] Red beans and rice
[00:46.20] Gold parachutes
[00:49.50] I swear it's true,yes
[00:52.30] Private pilot
[00:55.50] Circling Rikers Island
[00:58.58] Voyeuristically-minded
[01:02.40] Radio silence
[01:05.55] And it‘s all
[01:09.00] Part of a plan
[01:13.50] No question ask
[01:18.05] And it's all possible
[01:22.10] In your hands
[01:24.30] Stranger in a strange land
[01:27.20] Beware the reptilians
[01:40.10] Beware the reptilians
[01:52.35] Beware the reptilians
[01:57.00] No riddle to decipher
[01:59.58] I'm a lover not a fighter
[02:03.00] No mastermind,no
[02:06.00] Cold-blooded animal
[02:09.38] No riddle to decipher
[02:12.55] I'm a lover not a fighter
[02:15.50] No mastermind,no
[02:18.50] Cold-blooded animal
[02:25.35] And it‘s all
[02:29.35] Part of a plan
[02:33.55] No questions ask
[02:38.25] And it's all possible
[02:42.30] In your hands
[02:44.30] Stranger in a strange land
[02:47.30] Beware the reptilians
[03:00.35] Beware the reptilians
[03:04.40] No riddle to decipher
[03:07.50] I'm a lover not a fighter
[03:10.55] No mastermind,no
[03:12.55] Cold-blooded animal
[03:17.00] No riddle to decipher
[03:19.55] I'm a lover not a fighter
[03:23.15] No mastermind,no
[03:26.30] Cold-blooded animal
[03:29.55] International slate
[03:32.50] Red beans and rice
[03:36.00] Gold parachutes
[03:39.00] I swear it's true,yes
[00:13.55] 一切的一切
[00:17.55] 都早已暗中安排妥当
[00:23.00] 顺其自然
[00:26.59] 一切的一切
[00:30.58] 都在你手中成为可能
[00:35.35] 什么也别问
[00:39.45] 大型国际计划
[00:43.00] 热气腾腾的红豆米饭
[00:46.20] 金灿灿的降落伞
[00:49.50] 这是真的,我发誓
[00:52.30] 私人飞机驾驶员
[00:55.50] 环绕在里克监狱岛上空
[00:58.58] 暗中窥视
[01:02.40] 无线电静默不语
[01:05.55] 所有的一切
[01:09.00] 都不是偶然发生
[01:13.50] 只需安心接受摆布
[01:18.05] 对你而言
[01:22.10] 一切皆有可能
[01:24.30] 漂泊异乡的无名之人
[01:27.20] 小心那些贴地而行的野兽
[01:40.10] 小心那些披着人皮的恶魔
[01:52.35] 小心那些披着人皮的恶魔
[01:57.00] 没有什么不可告人的秘密
[01:59.58] 爱情不是一场战争
[02:03.00] 无人心怀不轨
[02:06.00] 我也并非冷酷无情之人
[02:09.38] 没有什么可疑的的阴谋
[02:12.55] 爱情不是一场战争
[02:15.50] 无人心存恶念
[02:18.50] 我也不过是一介凡夫俗子
[02:25.35] 所有的一切
[02:29.35] 都只是这片宏大蓝图的一小部分
[02:33.55] 乖乖做好一枚棋子吧
[02:38.25] 将这一切筑成现实
[02:42.30] 对你来说不过举手之劳
[02:44.30] 浪迹天涯的游子,寸草不生的荒野
[02:47.30] 尽是毒蛇猛兽,虎视眈眈
[03:00.35] 千万不要落入它们的圈套之中
[03:04.40] 没有什么不可告人的秘密
[03:07.50] 爱情不是一场战争
[03:10.55] 无人心怀不轨
[03:12.55] 我也并非冷酷无情之人
[03:17.00] 没有什么可疑的的阴谋
[03:19.55] 没有什么不可告人的秘密
[03:23.15] 无人心存恶念
[03:26.30] 我也不过是一介凡夫俗子
[03:29.55] 大型国际计划
[03:32.50] 热气腾腾的红豆米饭
[03:36.00] 金灿灿的降落伞
[03:39.00] 这是真的,我发誓