Purge Me

Purge Me

歌名 Purge Me
歌手 Earthists.
专辑 Purge Me
[00:28.71] Falling down
[00:52.50] I was swayed by the sweet smell, I took the glass
[00:57.44] It made a deep red color, which invites me to a fantasy lake
[01:07.00] Turning back, I’m the only one
[01:11.82] The depleted people are looking at me
[01:16.57] You don't need courage to dive in a hot lake
[01:20.80] If I do not say goodbye, I will be out of here forever
[01:30.63] Don't try to find out the answer without understanding
[01:36.92] Gently hold your loneliness
[01:44.61] Smell the odor of the smoke you can enter,
[01:48.98] and you will walk away from the place
[01:53.82] When I was watching from afar, you seemed to be dancing
[01:59.31] But the Truth is that you were struggling hard
[02:26.70] Why is it so beautiful?
[02:29.72] The gap between the open and empty heart is not buried
[02:36.56] Turn the glass upside down
[02:42.05] Wet feet
[02:42.86] This step that echoes
[02:45.57] If I do not say goodbye, I will be out of here forever
[02:54.97] Don't try to find out the answer without understanding
[03:01.21] Gently hold your loneliness
[03:04.24] If I do not say goodbye, I will be out of here forever
[03:14.40] Don't try to find out the answer without understanding
[03:20.49] Gently hold your loneliness
[03:24.12] Keep on, keep on
[03:30.52] holding your loneliness
[03:32.93] Keep on, keep on
[03:39.82] holding your loneliness
[03:49.00] -END-
[00:28.71] 坠入深渊
[00:52.50] 我被那甜美的味道诱惑,拿起了酒杯
[00:57.44] 它覆满了深红,邀请我进入那幻想的湖中
[01:07.00] 回去吧,回去吧,我已是孤身一人
[01:11.82] 那些空洞的人们正在注视着我
[01:16.57] 你没有必要鼓起勇气一头扎进这滚烫的湖中
[01:20.80] 如果我不辞而别,我就会永远地离开此处
[01:30.63] 如果未经理解,就不要去试图窥视答案
[01:36.92] 温柔地紧拥你的孤独吧
[01:44.61] 嗅着那能够笼罩你的烟雾味道
[01:48.98] 然后你就会从此处离开
[01:53.82] 当我从远处观望着你,你似乎正在翩翩起舞
[01:59.31] 但事实上你却在挣扎蹒跚
[02:26.70] 为什么它如此的美丽动人?
[02:29.72] 在透彻与空洞之间的裂缝之中,还有一颗真心未被掩盖埋葬
[02:36.56] 将酒杯颠倒翻转
[02:42.05] 沾湿了双脚
[02:42.86] 迈出的这步荡然回响
[02:45.57] 如果我不辞而别,我就会永远地离开此处
[02:54.97] 如果未经理解,就不要去试图窥视答案
[03:01.21] 温柔地紧拥你的孤独吧
[03:04.24] 如果我不辞而别,我就会永远地离开此处
[03:14.40] 如果未经理解,就不要去试图窥视答案
[03:20.49] 温柔地紧拥你的孤独吧
[03:24.12] 循环、反复
[03:30.52] 拥抱你的孤独
[03:32.93] 坚持、继续
[03:39.82] 紧拥你自己的孤独吧