I Hate Everyone but You

I Hate Everyone but You

歌名 I Hate Everyone but You
歌手 Elita
专辑 I Hate Everyone but You
[00:00.000] 作曲 : John Eddy
[00:13] I wish I could go out with you tonight
[00:24] Without wanting to murder everyone in sight
[00:36] I want to share my feelings
[00:38] But it's hard 'cause I haven't my whole life
[00:47] I'm tired of being tired
[00:49] But you don't seem to be bothered
[00:52] When I stay in bed all day
[00:59] I guess I'm kinda sorry
[01:01] 'Cause I won't go to the party
[01:04] But you tell me it's OK
[01:11] 'Cause I ****ing hate everyone but you
[01:28] I wish I didn't say those things that night
[01:39] I promise that I didn't want for us to fight
[01:50] I'm tired of being tired
[01:52] But you don't seem to be bothered
[01:55] When I stay in bed all day
[02:02] I guess I'm kinda sorry
[02:04] 'Cause I won't go to the party
[02:07] But you tell me it's OK
[02:14] 'Cause I ****ing hate everyone but you
[00:13] 今晚我想与你一起外出
[00:24] 放弃见人就杀的念头
[00:36] 我想分享我的感受
[00:38] 但那真的很艰难 因为我的生活并不完整
[00:47] 我厌倦了变得疲怠
[00:49] 但你对此似乎并不介意
[00:52] 当瘫在床上的又一天过去
[00:59] 我感到有点歉仄
[01:01] 因为我不会去你的派对
[01:04] 但你告诉我这没关系
[01:11] 因为该死的 我讨厌除你外的所有人
[01:28] 多希望那天晚上 我没向你倾吐那些琐事
[01:39] 我承诺 我不想让我们如此针锋相对
[01:50] 我厌倦了变得疲怠
[01:52] 但你对此似乎并不介意
[01:55] 当瘫在床上的又一天过去
[02:02] 我感到有点歉仄
[02:04] 因为我不会去你的派对
[02:07] 但你告诉我这没关系
[02:14] 因为该死的 我讨厌除你外的任何人