With You by My Side

With You by My Side

歌名 With You by My Side
歌手 Mandy Moore
歌手 Zachary Levi
歌手 Eden Espinosa
专辑 Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure (Music from the TV Series)
[00:00.000] 作词 : Glenn Slater
[00:00.405] 作曲 : Alan Menken
[00:00.811] Cassandra
[00:03.780] Now
[00:05.515] Now more than ever
[00:07.100] We must stick together
[00:09.020] United
[00:11.221] Eugene
[00:11.523] Now
[00:13.004] It's now or never
[00:14.920] So let's face the future
[00:17.006] Clear sighted
[00:18.834] Rapunzel
[00:19.012] Somehow we've managed to make it this far
[00:23.587] It's been one heck of a ride
[00:27.597] All
[00:27.774] There's nothing I couldn't do
[00:31.757] Not with you by my side
[00:38.651] Cassandra
[00:38.916] Maybe tomorrow
[00:40.445] We'll find to our sorrow
[00:42.323] Our story has come to an ending
[00:46.441] Eugene
[00:46.708] Maybe we're fated
[00:48.314] To be separated
[00:50.350] Who knows where our paths might be bending
[00:54.548] Rapunzel
[00:54.732] How I wish we could stay here forever this way
[00:58.278] But perhaps there's no point in pretending
[01:02.445] Cassandra
[01:02.692] If we're destined to head in our own different ways
[01:06.195] Rapunzel and Cassandra
[01:06.421] Let's make the most of these sweet final days
[01:10.547] All
[01:10.756] Why not go out in a glorious blaze
[01:14.346] Cause now
[01:16.923] Now more than ever
[01:18.685] We're still here together
[01:20.656] United
[01:22.907] Now
[01:24.852] It's now or never
[01:26.658] So let's stand as one
[01:28.300] Undivided
[01:30.804] When we look back at this moment we had
[01:34.941] Make sure we tremble with pride
[01:41.106] There's nothing I couldn't do
[01:43.556] Not with you by my side
[01:48.885] What in the world would I do
[01:52.314] Cassandra: Without you
[01:54.333] Eugene: Without you
[01:56.459] Rapunzel: Without you
[01:59.914] All
[02:00.146] By my side
[00:00.811] 卡桑德拉:
[00:03.780] 此时此刻
[00:05.515] 比以往都更需要我们
[00:07.100] 团结在一起
[00:09.020] 成为一个整体
[00:11.221] 尤金:
[00:11.523] 此时此刻
[00:13.004] 把握好机会
[00:14.920] 以便清晰地
[00:17.006] 展望未来
[00:18.834] 乐佩:
[00:19.012] 不知何故,事已至此
[00:23.587] 回顾从前,披荆斩棘
[00:27.597] 同:
[00:27.774] 无论何事我都倾力相为
[00:31.757] 至少还有你们一路相伴
[00:38.651] 卡桑德拉:
[00:38.916] 或许明日
[00:40.445] 我们将发觉
[00:42.323] 我们的故事即将画上句号
[00:46.441] 尤金:
[00:46.708] 亦或是天意愚人
[00:48.314] 我们注定要被分隔,天各一方
[00:50.350] 谁又知命运的小径分分离离
[00:54.548] 乐佩:
[00:54.732] 我是如此期望这一切不再有别离
[00:58.278] 但掩耳盗铃又有何意义
[01:02.445] 卡桑德拉:
[01:02.692] 倘若上天对我们另有安排
[01:06.195] 乐佩&卡桑德拉:
[01:06.421] 那就让我们享受这最后的温馨时刻
[01:10.547] 同:
[01:10.756] 然后再凤凰涅槃,浴火重生
[01:14.346] 因为此时
[01:16.923] 比以往都特殊
[01:18.685] 我们一路相伴,相互扶持
[01:20.656] 拧为绳,抱成团
[01:22.907] 就在今日
[01:24.852] 机不可失时不再来
[01:26.658] 就让我们合为一体
[01:28.300] 不再轻易分离
[01:30.804] 当我们再度回首,浮现出此情此景
[01:34.941] 让我们为之而颤,高歌而赞
[01:41.106] 最终我将所向披靡
[01:43.556] 毕竟有你们如影随形
[01:48.885] 在这大千世界
[01:52.314] 卡桑德拉:没有知己
[01:54.333] 尤金:再无伴侣
[01:56.459] 乐佩:更无家人
[01:59.914] 同:
[02:00.146] 我们又将何去何从