Far Out Dust

Far Out Dust

歌名 Far Out Dust
歌手 Talos
专辑 Far Out Dust
[00:18] This was the last goodbye
[00:24] You were on the steps in the hollowest of lights
[00:28] I kept dying
[00:33] Strung out on the faults of forever
[00:38] Feel the fading light
[00:43] I believe the cold now the cormerants inside
[00:49] I was your wildness
[00:53] Til the war ripped wide above us
[01:12] You needed love, I needed water
[01:18] We call the kindness off
[01:23] You keep it all, I keep the covers
[01:29] Til we burn down the home
[01:34] I leave a war, you leave it open
[01:40] I leave the carve out the stone
[01:46] These weren't wars
[01:48] They were just wanderings
[01:51] Into the void
[01:53] That the heave up holds
[02:16] Fill up your heaving sky
[02:23] With salamander light
[02:26] Fill up those heaving skies
[02:32] When the world ripped wide above us
[02:39] Oh
[03:05] You needed love, I needed water
[03:11] We call the kindness off
[03:16] You keep it all, I keep the covers
[03:22] Til we burn down the home
[03:27] I leave a war, you leave it open
[03:33] I leave the carve out the stone
[03:38] These weren't wars
[03:41] They were just wanderings
[03:44] Into the void
[03:46] That the heave up holds
[00:18] 这是我们最后一次告别
[00:24] 当时你就站在那灯光最暗的角落里
[00:28] 我一直在希望
[00:33] 让那个错误一直错下去
[00:38] 我感到你的光正在褪去
[00:43] 你内心的贪婪让我寒意不断
[00:49] 我一直在等你
[00:53] 直到我们的冷战把我们撕裂开来
[01:12] 你需要爱,而我也需要你
[01:18] 我们再也不相敬如宾了
[01:23] 你还是放弃了,而我还想再等你
[01:29] 直到我们亲手毁了我们的家
[01:34] 我承认我输了,而你也自由了
[01:40] 我把那块象征着我们爱情的那块石头扔了
[01:46] 我们之间再也没有任何的联系
[01:48] 我们都成了匆匆的过客
[01:51] 漫无目的
[01:53] 带上那些你的东西
[02:16] 去满足你起伏不定的心情
[02:23] 那异样的光芒(salamander在这儿我联想到了阿兹特克神话中的意义)
[02:26] 充满着整片天空
[02:32] 现在你我相隔的是整个世界
[03:05] 你需要爱,而我也需要你
[03:11] 我们再也回不到从前了
[03:16] 你放下了,而我还想再等等你
[03:22] 直到那次我们亲手毁了我们的家
[03:27] 我彻底输了,你自由了
[03:33] 我也不想再保留下什么
[03:38] 我们之间就这样了
[03:41] 两个陌生人
[03:44] 在内心迷失了
[03:46] 这就是我们最后想要的!