Make Me A Channel of Your Peace

Make Me A Channel of Your Peace

歌名 Make Me A Channel of Your Peace
歌手 Kim Taylor
专辑 Songs Of Instruction
[00:17.140] Make me a channel of your peace
[00:25.54] Where there is hatred let me bring love
[00:33.45] Where there is injury, your pardon Lord
[00:41.58] And where there's doubt, true faith in you
[00:50.85] Make me a channel of your peace
[00:59.14] Where there's despair in life let me bring hope
[01:07.38] Where there is darkness, only light
[01:15.78] And where there's sadness ever joy
[01:57.92] Oh, god grant that I may never seek
[02:05.94] So much to be consoled as to console
[02:14.32] To be understood as to understand
[02:22.76] To be loved as to love with all my soul
[02:31.92] Make me a channel of your peace
[02:39.85] It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
[02:48.48] It is in giving to all that we receive
[02:56.81] And in dying that we're born to eternal life
[03:05.86] Make me a channel of your peace
[03:14.18] Make me a channel of your peace
[03:22.78] Make me a channel of your peace
[03:30.83] Make me a channel of your peace
[00:17.140] 让我替你守护和平
[00:25.54] 给恨与怨以爱与关怀
[00:33.45] 给伤与痛以恕与原谅
[00:41.58] 给怀疑以信赖与永恒
[00:50.85] 让我替你守护和平
[00:59.14] 给绝望阴霾以希望信念
[01:07.38] 给无边黑夜以黎明白昼
[01:15.78] 给难过悲伤以幸福快乐
[01:57.92] 噢,愿主保佑我别无所求
[02:05.94] 赐予世人慰藉,不求自己安慰
[02:14.32] 赐予世人理解,不求自己懂得
[02:22.76] 赐予世人关爱,不求自己被爱
[02:31.92] 让我替你守护和平
[02:39.85] 愿在宽恕中得到赦免
[02:48.48] 愿在给予时而有所得
[02:56.81] 愿在死亡后获得永生
[03:05.86] 让我替你守护和平
[03:14.18] 让我替你守护希望
[03:22.78] 让我替你守护关爱
[03:30.83] 让我替你守护光芒