I'm So Tired Of Love Songs

I'm So Tired Of Love Songs

歌名 I'm So Tired Of Love Songs
歌手 Wildflowers
歌手 Megan Tibbits
专辑 I'm So Tired Of Love Songs
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Wildflowers
[00:10.932] Even when my tear drops start to dry
[00:16.183] Even when the sun begins to shine,again
[00:20.911] I've take all the advice there is and none of it has helped
[00:26.527] Experiences made me realize that
[00:31.125] I won't build my life on empty words,being so damn naive,it only hurts
[00:40.895] I'm so tired of love songs
[00:42.958] Love never turns out the way they do
[00:45.962] I've been trying for so long looking for someone who wants me too
[00:51.971] I've heard every cliche there is and none of them makes sense
[00:56.437] I'm so tired of love songs
[00:59.050] I'm sick and tired of love songs
[01:01.348] I'm so tired of you
[01:08.558] Looking back on how I used to be
[01:13.600] I always thought that love was made for me
[01:18.250] Oh well,I was just as blue eyed as the sky could ever be
[01:23.997] Loving you has made me realize
[01:27.915] I'm so tired of love songs
[01:30.031] Love never turns out the way they do
[01:32.748] I've been trying for so long looking for someone who wants me too
[01:38.965] I've heard every cliche there is and none of them makes sense
[01:43.275] I'm so tired of love songs
[01:45.940] I'm sick and tired of love songs
[01:48.421] I'm so tired of you
[01:53.620] I'm so tired of you
[01:58.922] I'm so tired of you
[02:11.043] Even when my tear drops start to dry
[02:16.320] Even when the sun begins to shine,again
[02:20.813] I've take all the advice there is and none of it has helped
[02:25.254] I'm so tired of love songs
[02:27.866] sick and tired of love songs
[02:30.583] I'm so tired of you
[02:35.128] sick and tired of you
[02:40.744] I'm so tired of love songs
[02:43.095] Love never turns out the way they do
[02:46.021] I've been trying for so long looking for someone to help me through
[02:51.846] I've heard every cliche there is and none of them makes sense
[02:56.470] I'm so tired of love songs
[02:58.900] sick and tired of love songs
[03:04.333] I'm so tired of you
[00:10.932] 即使泪痕开始消逝
[00:16.183] 即使太阳又开始散发耀眼的光芒
[00:20.911] 我尝试了所有的建议,然而是杯水车薪
[00:26.527] 这些经历让我明白
[00:31.125] 我不能幼稚地将苍白无力的言语作为生活的根基,那样的话,生活终究只是一场悲伤
[00:40.895] 情歌令人感到乏味
[00:42.958] 现实中的爱情与歌曲中的如画如诗相差甚远
[00:45.962] 我一直都在努力寻找那个同样想要拥有我的另一半
[00:51.971] 那些关于爱情的陈词滥调毫无意义
[00:56.437] 关于爱情的歌曲令人感到疲倦
[00:59.050] 我是如此厌倦这些情歌儿
[01:01.348] 我是如此地厌倦你
[01:08.558] 回顾以前的我
[01:13.600] 我曾经总是觉得爱情是为自己量身定制的
[01:18.250] 哈,我现在的心情就是天空中最忧郁的一抹蓝
[01:23.997] “爱过你“这件事让我意识到
[01:27.915] 我是如此得厌倦听情歌
[01:30.031] 我所经历过的爱情根本不是歌曲中描绘的粉色泡泡
[01:32.748] 一直以来我都想找到同样也想拥有我的另一半
[01:38.965] 那些老掉牙的故事都没有能讲得通的
[01:43.275] 情歌儿令人厌倦
[01:45.940] 我是如此的厌烦情歌
[01:48.421] 如此的厌倦你
[01:53.620] 厌倦你!
[01:58.922] 烦你!
[02:11.043] 泪痕干了,悲伤仍然存在于心
[02:16.320] 阳光耀眼温暖,寒冷依然彻骨
[02:20.813] 建议对于我来说没有帮助
[02:25.254] 情歌儿令人厌倦
[02:27.866] 我是如此的厌烦情歌
[02:30.583] 如此的厌倦你
[02:35.128] 讨厌你哦
[02:40.744] 讨厌情歌
[02:43.095] 现实中的爱情与歌曲中的如画如诗相差甚远
[02:46.021] 我从未停止过努力寻找能够帮助我度过阴郁的生活的人
[02:51.846] 那些关于爱情的陈词滥调毫无意义
[02:56.470] 我厌倦了听那些情歌
[02:58.900] 如此的厌倦
[03:04.333] 现在越看你越烦,比你强的多得人多了去了,bye,next