

歌名 Backstreets
歌手 The Weepies
专辑 Backstreets (from Born to Uke)
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Bruce Springsteen
[00:10.07] One soft infested summer
[00:12.54] Me and Terry became friends
[00:14.39] Trying in vain to breathe
[00:16.02] The fire we was born in
[00:19.67] Catching rides to the outskirts
[00:22.26] Tying faith between our teeth
[00:24.22] Sleeping in that old abandoned beach house
[00:27.21] Getting wasted in the heat
[00:33.43] And hiding on the backstreets
[00:38.12] Hiding on the backstreets
[00:42.47] With a love so hard and filled with defeat
[00:46.91] Running for our lives at night on them backstreets
[00:59.11] Slow dancing in the dark
[01:01.79] On the beach at Stockton's wing
[01:04.13] Where desperate lovers park
[01:05.73] We sat with the last of the Duke street Kings
[01:08.89] Huddled in our cars
[01:11.14] Waiting for the bells that ring
[01:13.78] In the deep heart of the night
[01:15.63] We let loose of everything
[01:17.98] To go running on the backstreets
[01:23.51] Running on the backstreets
[01:27.55] Terry you swore we'd live forever
[01:32.25] Taking it on them backstreets together
[01:44.87] Endless juke joints and Valentino drag
[01:49.02] Where dancers scraped the tears
[01:50.74] Up off the streets dressed down in rags
[01:54.11] Running into the darkness
[01:55.58] Some hurt bad some really dying
[01:58.33] At night sometimes it seemed
[01:59.87] You could hear the whole damn city crying
[02:02.43] Blame it on the lies that killed us
[02:05.26] Blame it on the truth that ran us down
[02:07.95] You can blame it all on me Terry
[02:10.16] It don't matter to me now
[02:12.48] When the breakdown hit at midnight
[02:14.64] There was nothing left to say
[02:16.80] But I hated him
[02:19.55] And I hated you when you went away
[02:27.04] Now laying here in the dark
[02:28.45] You're like an angel on my chest
[02:30.57] Just another tramp of hearts
[02:33.76] Crying tears of faithlessness
[02:35.52] Remember all the movies Terry
[02:38.37] We'd go see
[02:39.98] Trying to learn how to walk like the heroes
[02:42.56] We thought we had to be
[02:44.95] Well after all this time
[02:46.63] To find we're just like all the rest
[02:49.17] Stranded in the park
[02:50.72] And forced to confess
[02:54.13] To hiding on the backstreets
[02:58.96] Hiding on the backstreets
[03:03.75] Where we swore forever friends
[03:08.71] On the backstreets until the end
[03:12.21] Unkown backstreets
[03:14.47] Unkown backstreets
[03:16.74] Unkown backstreets
[03:19.04] Harry on backstreets
[03:21.20] Harry on backstreets
[03:23.09] Harry on backstreets
[03:25.94] Harry on backstreets
[03:28.29] Unkown backstreets
[00:10.07] 一个满是柔和的夏日
[00:12.54] 我和特里结为挚友
[00:14.39] 尽力想要平静下来却无济于事
[00:16.02] 只因我们擦出的火花太过迅猛
[00:19.67] 搭乘顺风车去往郊外
[00:22.26] 将毕生信仰守口如瓶
[00:24.22] 在海边废弃已久的房子里昏昏欲睡
[00:27.21] 酷热难耐之际喝得酩酊大醉
[00:33.43] 随即走进后街直至不见身影
[00:38.12] 走进后街直至不见身影
[00:42.47] 带着一份如此浓烈又备受挫败的爱
[00:46.91] 想起我们在后街度过的无数日夜
[00:59.11] 在夜色中轻缓起舞
[01:01.79] 爱尔兰的海滩之上
[01:04.13] 驻留着心碎的恋人
[01:05.73] 我们与公爵街的最后君主围坐一起
[01:08.89] 在车里紧紧相拥
[01:11.14] 等候钟声准时响起
[01:13.78] 至夜深人静
[01:15.63] 我们索性抛却一切羁绊
[01:17.98] 转头奔向那后街
[01:23.51] 奔向那后街
[01:27.55] 特里 你曾对我许下永不背弃的承诺
[01:32.25] 连同它们也一起带回后街
[01:44.87] 那有数不尽的廉价酒吧和华伦天奴时装
[01:49.02] 舞者拭去泪水的地方
[01:50.74] 街头衣衫褴褛
[01:54.11] 遁入浓浓夜色
[01:55.58] 有人遍体鳞伤 有人濒临死去
[01:58.33] 偶尔的夜晚
[01:59.87] 你可以听见这座可悲之城的抽泣声
[02:02.43] 责怪那些让我们梦碎的谎言
[02:05.26] 归罪那些让我们堕落的真相
[02:07.95] 皆是我的错 特里
[02:10.16] 现在对我来说无关紧要了
[02:12.48] 当变故发生在午夜
[02:14.64] 没有什么可说的了
[02:16.80] 但我恨他
[02:19.55] 我也恨离开的你
[02:27.04] 如今深陷黯淡
[02:28.45] 你更像我胸前的天使
[02:30.57] 流浪的心再次跳动
[02:33.76] 因不忠而掉的眼泪
[02:35.52] 请铭记每一幕 特里
[02:38.37] 让我们拭目以待
[02:39.98] 试着学学该怎么样像个英雄般踱步
[02:42.56] 这是我们要去完成的事情
[02:44.95] 在经历了这么多之后
[02:46.63] 发现原来我们也只是普通人
[02:49.17] 也会被困在公园
[02:50.72] 也有过被迫坦白
[02:54.13] 遁入后街
[02:58.96] 匿于后街
[03:03.75] 那我们发誓要做永远的朋友之地
[03:08.71] 在后街一起走到最后
[03:12.21] 那不知名的后街
[03:14.47] 那不知名的后街
[03:16.74] 那不知名的后街
[03:19.04] 那哈利在的后街
[03:21.20] 那哈利在的后街
[03:23.09] 那哈利在的后街
[03:25.94] 那哈利在的后街
[03:28.29] 那不知名的后街