Poundshop Kardashians

Poundshop Kardashians

歌名 Poundshop Kardashians
歌手 Sam Fender
专辑 Poundshop Kardashians
[00:14.44] I drink and watch the zoo in motion
[00:18.08] Beautiful people devoid of emotion
[00:21.53] Sterilised, pedicured, pedigrees and mankind
[00:25.14] Thick as **** and soulless
[00:26.81] And no longer fear genocide
[00:28.55] It’s gonna end from what I reckon
[00:31.85] As I puke my guts up all over the decking
[00:35.42] Cos the square reeks of plastic action man
[00:38.93] And Poundshop Kardashians
[00:40.83] How am I supposed to change it?
[00:46.55] If I can’t see the wood for the trees?
[00:55.48] How am I supposed to change it?
[01:00.80] If I can’t see the wood for the trees?
[01:10.07] There’s an orange faced baby at the wheel of the ship
[01:13.50] Doing donuts in the carpark
[01:15.50] We watch as it all falls apart
[01:17.55] We idolise idiots
[01:19.03] Masturbate to their *** tapes
[01:20.78] We love them we hate them
[01:22.21] We want to see them fall from Grace
[01:24.49] We laugh at them disheveled
[01:25.74] On the front page of the mail
[01:27.38] Then grab ourselves a pitchfork and go in for the kill
[01:30.81] Together light vigils
[01:32.50] Eulogise them on the Internet when they top themselves
[01:35.63] When they couldn’t take it no more
[01:37.50] How am I supposed to change it?
[01:42.28] If I can’t see the wood for the trees?
[01:51.15] How am I supposed to change it?
[01:56.15] If I can’t see the wood for the trees?
[02:04.71] And how are we supposed to change it?
[02:09.60] When we can’t see the wood for the trees
[02:17.22] When we can’t see the wood for the trees
[02:23.91] If we can’t see the wood for the trees
[00:14.44] 我喝着酒 看着动物园的运作
[00:18.08] 光鲜亮丽的人们 情感空虚
[00:21.53] 消过毒 修了脚 纯种的人类
[00:25.14] 蠢得一比 没有灵魂
[00:26.81] 也不再害怕种族屠杀了
[00:28.55] 反正是要完蛋的 在我看来
[00:31.85] 我把内脏吐了一地
[00:35.42] 因为广场上散发着塑料玩具兵的恶臭
[00:38.93] 还有一磅店的卡戴珊们
[00:40.83] 我该如何改变它?
[00:46.55] 如果我只见树木不见森林?
[00:55.48] 我该如何改变它?
[01:00.80] 如果我只见树木不见森林?
[01:10.07] 有个橙色脸的婴儿掌着舵
[01:13.50] 在停车场玩漂移
[01:15.50] 我们眼睁睁看着这一切崩溃
[01:17.55] 我们崇拜白痴
[01:19.03] 对着他们的*爱录影带自*
[01:20.78] 我们对他们爱恨交加
[01:22.21] 我们想看他们落下神坛
[01:24.49] 我们嘲笑他们衣冠不整
[01:25.74] 印在邮报的头版头条上
[01:27.38] 然后抡起干草叉来大开杀戒
[01:30.81] 我们一起守夜
[01:32.50] 在互联网上歌颂他们
[01:35.63] 当他们再也无法忍受的时候
[01:37.50] 我该如何改变它?
[01:42.28] 如果我只见树木不见森林?
[01:51.15] 我该如何改变它?
[01:56.15] 如果我只见树木不见森林?
[02:04.71] 我们该如何改变它?
[02:09.60] 当我们只见树木不见森林?
[02:17.22] 当我们只见树木不见森林?
[02:23.91] 如果我们只见树木不见森林?