we don't wanna live alone

we don't wanna live alone

歌名 we don't wanna live alone
歌手 杜昆
专辑 where my angel sleeps
[00:44] God said the sky would turn red
[00:48] I believe it would be
[00:54] It was lasting red balloon
[00:58] I let it crash
[01:03] I wish us be the best friend
[01:07] I wish it should have been at all
[01:12] Do you know the truth was
[01:17] death would arrive in the end
[01:22] Who tell that the active go to the heaven
[01:30] Really good as you lived before
[01:35] no suffering and pains
[01:38] Li li la,it was a sunshine of the weakly world
[01:47] Li li la,Judie,you are all my reasons
[02:34] Li li la,it was a sunshine of the weakly world
[02:43] Li li la,you are all my reasons
[02:52] Say yes,say no.Go to the heaven
[03:01] Say goodbye,say hello,you are all my reasons
[03:13] We don't wanna live alone
[03:22] we don't wanna live alone
[03:31] we don't wanna live alone
[03:41] we don't wanna live alone
[03:49] The fire burning the city
[03:54] people crying
[03:58] Bodies laying in the street
[04:03] people crying
[04:07] These beautiful voices,surrounding me everywhere
[04:17] Just like a song for you,my love,Judie
[04:27] We don't wanna live alone
[04:36] we don't wanna live alone
[04:45] we don't wanna live alone
[04:55] we are gonna live alone!
[00:44] 上帝说天空会渐渐好转的
[00:48] 我相信它会好起来的
[00:54] 它的红色将会如红色气球般持久膨胀
[00:58] 我不想让它坠落
[01:03] 我希望我们是最好的朋友
[01:07] 我希望它已经这样存在
[01:12] 但事实是
[01:17] 死亡终至
[01:22] 谁主动说去天堂
[01:30] 真的如你以前的生活一样美好
[01:35] 没有磨难与痛苦
[01:38] 它曾是软弱世界的一屡阳光
[01:47] 你是我主宰我理性的全部
[02:34] 它曾是软弱世界的一屡阳光
[02:43] 你是我主宰我理性的全部
[02:52] 说是,说否,都将要去天堂
[03:01] 说再见,说你好,你是我主宰我理智的全部
[03:13] 我们不愿意独孤一生
[03:22] 我们不愿意独孤一生
[03:31] 我们不愿意独孤一生
[03:41] 我们不愿意独孤一生
[03:49] 当这场大火把城市夷为平地时
[03:54] 人们哭了
[03:58] 当寂寞的躯体躺遍整条大街时
[04:03] 人们哭了
[04:07] 这么优美的声音环绕着我存在的每个角落
[04:17] 就像一首为你而唱的歌 Judie 我的爱人
[04:27] 我们不愿意孤独一生
[04:36] 我们不愿意孤独一生
[04:45] 我们不愿意孤独一生
[04:55] 然而我们却孤独一生