The Goslings(Live)(Cover The King's singers)

The Goslings(Live)(Cover The King's singers)

歌名 The Goslings(Live)(Cover The King's singers)
歌手 经英男声-邹逸明
歌手 经英男声
专辑 在那遥远的地方
[00:01.590] Music:Sir Frederick Bridge (1844-1924)
[00:02.101] Words:F.E. Weatherley (1848-1929)
[00:02.579] Translation:
[00:03.067] She was a pretty little gosling,
[00:04.638] And a gay young gosling he;
[00:07.586] “And I love you”,he said “so dearly”
[00:10.625] “And I love you too” said she.
[00:16.188] “But alas! we must part,”
[00:20.379] He whispered, “I am off to the the world so wide;
[00:25.469] But love, don’t fear, I’ll come next year.
[00:34.963] And make you and make you my little bride?
[00:42.132] (Boo~Boo)
[00:53.179] ’Twas Michaelmas day at morning,
[00:55.757] That he came home once more,
[00:58.676] He met his true love’s mother,
[01:01.196] And oh! she was weeping sore.
[01:06.637] “Too late you have come” she whispered,
[01:12.351] “They’ve taken your love away.
[01:16.571] She never will be your bride, ah, me!
[01:27.003] For she’s going, she’s going to be cooked today!
[01:44.618] Then up he went to the farmhouse;
[01:47.328] “Where is my love?” he said;
[01:49.670] But the famers wife she seized a knife
[01:51.965] and cut off hit little head.
[01:54.557] And she served him up with his true love,
[01:59.342] On a dish so deep and wide,
[02:06.682] So though in life they were parted,
[02:19.844] In death they were side by side.
[00:02.579] 王潇
[00:03.067] 水边多丽人,
[00:04.638] 山外少红颜。
[00:07.586] 挥毫徒寂寞,
[00:10.625] 颔首独呢喃。
[00:16.188] 今别泪茫茫,
[00:20.379] 明朝登前途。
[00:25.469] 君归终有时,
[00:34.963] 月落人安在。
[00:53.179] 斗转星移佳节到,
[00:55.757] 抱布上门闺房空。
[00:58.676] 忽闻家中声语微,
[01:01.196] 丈母戚戚惨凄凄。
[01:06.637] 佳人去已远,公子恐来迟。
[01:12.351] 此去三四里,豪疆有一家。
[01:16.571] 此生复见谈何易,
[01:27.003] 他日重逢道已难。
[01:44.618] 话音未落夺门走,
[01:47.328] 怒发冲冠为红颜。
[01:49.670] 磨刀霍霍从头斩,
[01:51.965] 身虽死兮情丝连。
[01:54.557] 黄泉之下得相见,
[01:59.342] 执手相看目可冥。
[02:06.682] 天长地久有时尽,
[02:19.844] 此恨绵绵无绝期。