Dead Rose

Dead Rose

歌名 Dead Rose
歌手 Chelsea Grin
专辑 Eternal Nightmare
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Tom Barber/David Marshall/Drew Fulk/Pablo Viveros/Stephen Rutishauser
[00:54.97] I can't forget the things you have done
[01:00.42] You chose your way
[01:01.80] This price you shall pay
[01:03.39] Our time has just begun
[01:07.66] Hold your tongue, no more lying
[01:10.42] It's my turn to speak
[01:13.26] Fist clenched in the darkness
[01:16.28] This cut goes too deep
[01:18.88] Dead rose
[01:22.24] My heart filled with pain
[01:24.51] Dead rose
[01:28.04] My head filled with hate
[01:35.52] I won't forget the things you have done
[01:42.30] Death is real, no more hiding
[01:45.34] Can you feel its embrace?
[01:48.08] Tired of watching you dying
[01:50.97] Your mind lost its way
[01:54.05] Dead rose
[01:56.86] My heart filled with pain
[01:59.25] Dead rose
[02:02.71] My head filled with hate
[02:05.20] No more
[02:08.56] When nothing's the same
[02:10.89] Dead rose
[02:14.18] You withered away
[02:19.33] And now it's time to say goodnight
[02:30.91] And now it's time to say goodnight
[02:44.98] Father, why have you cursed me with this pain?
[02:54.43] Your son has shed his skin
[02:56.53] Brother, I lost my way within the darkness
[03:05.61] Buried in roses
[00:54.97] 我无法忘记你的所作所为
[01:00.42] 你选择了自己的道路
[01:01.80] 就应该付出相应的代价
[01:03.39] 我们的时代才刚开始
[01:07.66] 闭嘴吧 不要再满口谎言
[01:10.42] 轮到我发言了
[01:13.26] 在黑暗中紧握着拳头
[01:16.28] 这伤口是如此之深
[01:18.88] 枯萎的玫瑰
[01:22.24] 我的内心充满了痛苦
[01:24.51] 枯萎的玫瑰
[01:28.04] 我的内心充斥着仇恨
[01:35.52] 我不会忘记你的所作所为
[01:42.30] 死亡是如此真切 不再躲藏
[01:45.34] 你能感受到它的拥抱吗
[01:48.08] 厌倦了看着你死去
[01:50.97] 你的理智迷失
[01:54.05] 枯萎的玫瑰
[01:56.86] 我的内心充满了痛苦
[01:59.25] 枯萎的玫瑰
[02:02.71] 我的内心充斥着仇恨
[02:05.20] 当一切
[02:08.56] 都面目全非
[02:10.89] 枯萎的玫瑰
[02:14.18] 你凋谢逝去
[02:19.33] 是时候说晚安了
[02:30.91] 是时候说晚安了
[02:44.98] 父亲 你为何要以这般痛苦诅咒我
[02:54.43] 我已蜕化新生
[02:56.53] 兄弟 我在黑暗中迷失
[03:05.61] 埋葬于玫瑰花中