Wandering Child / Bravo, Monsieur

Wandering Child / Bravo, Monsieur

歌名 Wandering Child / Bravo, Monsieur
歌手 Andrew Lloyd Webber
专辑 The Phantom of the Opera (Original Cast Recording)
[00:18.00] Phantom: Wandering child, so lost, so helpless
[00:18.13] yearning for my guidance.
[00:23.78] Christine: Angel or father? Friend or phantom?
[00:29.58] Who is it there, staring?
[00:33.41] P: Have you forgotten your angel?
[00:36.61] C:Angle O speak. What endless longings echo in this whisper?
[00:46.40] P:Too long you've wandered in winter
[00:50.71] Raoul:Once again she is his.
[00:52.81] P:far from my far-reaching gaze
[00:55.29] R:Once again she returns
[00:57.52] C: Wildly my mind beats against you
[01:00.41] --P:You resist yet your soul obeys --C: Yet the soul obeys --R: to the arms of her angel
[01:08.56] --P:Angel of music, you denied me --C:Angel of music, I denied you --R:Angel or demon? Still he calls her
[01:13.94] --P:Turning from true beauty --C:Turning from true beauty --R:Luring her back from a grave
[01:20.44] --P:Angel of music! Do not shun me! --C:Angel of music! My protector! --R:Angel or dark seducer?
[01:25.95] --P:Come to your strange angel! --C:Come to me, strange angel! --R: Who are you,strange angel?
[01:31.04] P:I am your angel of music
[01:36.85] P:Come to me, angel of music
[01:42.98] R:Angel of darkness, cease this torment!
[01:47.04] --P:I am your angel of music --R:Christine, Christine,listen to me, whatever you may believe, this man, this thing is not your father
[01:53.67] --P:Come to me, angel of music --R:Let her go, for God's sake, let her go!Christine!
[01:58.61] C: O Raoul!
[02:00.72] P:Bravo,monsieur!Such spirited words
[02:04.69] R:More tricks, monsieur?
[02:07.32] P:Let's see, monsieur, how far you dare go
[02:10.93] --R:More deception, more violence --C: Raoul, no
[02:13.61] P:That's right, that's right, monsieur,keep walking this way
[02:17.94] R:You can't win her love by making her your prisoner
[02:20.70] --C:Raoul... --R:Stay back
[02:22.81] P:I'm here, I'm here, monsieur.The angel of death
[02:26.89] P:Come on, come on, monsieur.Don't stop.Don't stop
[02:29.95] C:Raoul, come back
[02:33.30] P:Don't go
[02:35.79] P:So be it.
[02:37.72] P:Now let it be war upon you both
[02:50.00] (Don Juan Triumphant)
[03:03.21] Here the sire may serve the dam
[03:06.21] Here the master takes his meat
[03:10.49] Here the sacrificial lamb
[03:14.45] utters one despairing bleat
[03:17.81] Poor young maiden
[03:20.45] For the thrill on your tongue of stolen sweets
[03:23.67] You will have to pay the bill
[03:26.91] tangled in the winding sheets
[03:31.06] Serve the meal and serve the maid
[03:34.80] Serve the master so that
[03:37.22] when tables,plans,and maids are laid
[03:40.87] Don Juan triumphs once again
[04:03.73] Passarino, faithful friend
[04:07.57] Once again recite the plan
[04:10.19] Your young guest believes I'm you
[04:13.24] I the master, you the man
[04:16.74] When you met, you wore my cloak
[04:19.57] with my scarf you hid your face
[04:22.12] She believes she dines with me in her master's borrowed place
[04:26.59] Furtively, we'll scoff and quaff
[04:28.60] Stealing what in truth is mine
[04:30.57] When it's late and modesty
[04:32.48] starts to mellow with the wine
[04:34.72] You come home.I use your voice.
[04:36.90] Slam the door like crack of doom
[04:38.79] I shall say,"Come hide with me."
[04:40.85] "Where O where?Of course my room"
[04:43.66] Poor thing hasn't got a chance
[04:46.06] Here's my hat,my cloak and sword
[04:48.12] Conquest is assured
[04:49.62] If I do not forget myself and laugh
[04:56.78] No thoughts within her head but thoughts of joys
[05:03.05] No dreams within her heart but dreams of love
[05:15.47] -Master? -Passarino
[05:20.06] Go away, for the trap is set and waits for its prey
[05:29.67] You have come here
[05:35.86] in pursuit of your deepest urge
[05:40.58] in pursuit of that wish which till now has been silent,silent
[05:50.83] I have brought you
[05:55.43] that our passions may fuse and merge
[06:00.04] In your mind you've already succumbed to me
[06:04.35] dropped all defenses,completely succumbed to me
[06:09.24] Now you are here with me
[06:12.39] No second thoughts
[06:14.71] You've decided
[06:19.16] decided
[00:18.00] 魅影:迷惘的孩子,如此彷徨,如此无助
[00:18.13] 魅:渴望着我的指引。
[00:23.78] 克里斯汀:是天使还是父亲?是朋友还是魅影?
[00:29.58] 克:谁人在旁凝视?
[00:33.41] 魅:难道你忘了你的天使了吗?
[00:36.61] 克:天使啊请讲 是何种渴望在耳边回响
[00:46.40] 魅:你在寒冬中徘徊太久
[00:50.71] 劳尔:她又回到了他的身边
[00:52.81] 魅:远离我悠长的凝望
[00:55.29] 劳:她再次回归
[00:57.52] 克:我的理智激烈地反抗着你
[01:00.41] --魅:你抗拒 但是灵魂已然服从 --克:但是灵魂已然服从 --劳:到她天使的怀抱中
[01:08.56] --魅:音乐天使 你拒绝过我 --克:音乐天使 我拒绝过你 --劳:天使抑或魔鬼 他还在呼唤着她
[01:13.94] --魅:背离真正的美 --克:背离真正的美 --劳:蛊惑她回到坟墓
[01:20.44] --魅:音乐天使 不要躲避我 --克:音乐天使 我的守护者 --劳:天使抑或黑暗的蛊惑
[01:25.95] --魅:来到奇异天使的身边吧 --克:奇异天使来到我的身边吧 --劳:古怪的天使你是谁?
[01:31.04] 魅:我是你的音乐天使
[01:36.85] 魅:来到音乐天使的身边吧
[01:42.98] 劳:黑暗天使,别再折磨她了
[01:47.04] --魅:我是你的音乐天使 --劳:克里斯汀 克里斯汀 听我说 不管你相信什么 这个男人...这个东西不是你父亲
[01:53.67] --魅:来到音乐天使的身边吧 --劳:放了她 看在上帝的份上 放了她 克里斯汀!
[01:58.61] 克:噢 劳尔!
[02:00.72] 魅:真棒啊先生 话语直击心灵啊
[02:04.69] 劳:你还要玩什么把戏?
[02:07.32] 魅:让我瞧瞧你胆子有多大
[02:10.93] --劳:又是骗人和威胁那一套吧 --克:劳尔,不
[02:13.61] 魅:对啊对啊 先生 往前走啊
[02:17.94] 劳:禁锢她是得不到她的爱的
[02:20.70] --克:劳尔... --劳:退后
[02:22.81] 魅:我在这儿我在这儿 先生 我是死亡天使
[02:26.89] 魅:跑啊你跑啊 先生 别停啊别停啊
[02:29.95] 克:劳尔,回来啊
[02:33.30] 魅:别跑啊
[02:35.79] 魅:那就这样吧
[02:37.72] 魅:现在我向你们两个宣战
[02:50.00] (《胜利的唐璜》上演)
[03:03.21] 主子们在这儿纵情声色
[03:06.21] 主子们在这儿放纵肉欲
[03:10.49] 献祭在此的羔羊
[03:14.45] 发出最后一声恸嚎
[03:17.81] 可怜的少女
[03:20.45] 偷得舌上甜
[03:23.67] 你得付出代价
[03:26.91] 春宵相缠为伴
[03:31.06] 设好宴席 呈上少女
[03:34.80] 献给主子
[03:37.22] 在筵席设好 少女呈上 计划实现之时
[03:40.87] 唐璜再次胜利
[04:03.73] 帕萨里诺 我忠诚的朋友
[04:07.57] 我们回顾一下计划
[04:10.19] 你年轻的客人以为我是你
[04:13.24] 我是主人你是仆
[04:16.74] 见面时穿上我的斗篷
[04:19.57] 脸藏在头巾后面
[04:22.12] 她就会以为是在借她主子的地方和我用餐
[04:26.59] 我们将举杯畅饮偷着乐
[04:28.60] 偷走本就属于我的东西
[04:30.57] 夜渐浓
[04:32.48] 人微醺
[04:34.72] 你回家 我模仿你的声音
[04:36.90] 砰的一声关上门
[04:38.79] 我会说“来跟我一起躲起来”
[04:40.85] “躲哪儿啊 当然是我房间”
[04:43.66] 可怜的人儿全然被玩弄于鼓掌
[04:46.06] 拿上我的帽子 斗篷和佩剑
[04:48.12] 旗开得胜马到成功
[04:49.62] 除非我得意忘形笑出声
[04:56.78] 她脑中除了欢愉别无它念
[05:03.05] 她心头除了爱情别无它梦
[05:15.47] —主人? —帕萨里诺
[05:20.06] 走开 陷阱已设只待猎物
[05:29.67] 你已来到此地
[05:35.86] 追着你心底的欲求
[05:40.58] 那欲求至今恬静如止水
[05:50.83] 我已带你来
[05:55.43] 我们的激情将相交相熔
[06:00.04] 你在内心早已臣服
[06:04.35] 卸去一切防备 彻底臣服于我
[06:09.24] 现在你来到我身边
[06:12.39] 毫无犹豫
[06:14.71] 你心已定
[06:19.16] 你心已定