

歌名 Robyn
歌手 Lawrence Taylor
专辑 Bang Bang-EP
[ti:Robyn 36924810]
[ar:Lawrence Taylor]
[00:13.49] The people walk fast through the city
[00:15.47] And pretend that they havent even seen a thing
[00:19.82] Traded on your soul, like a part of the road
[00:22.66] Was to wipe the dirt, as your friends
[00:25.96] I tell you hey babe, youre a tramp, youre a beggar
[00:29.81] And that's all you'll ever gonna hear
[00:32.94] Weve taken more hits than a wall of bliss
[00:36.08] And no doubt you cried out all your tears
[00:39.58] Robyn don't let these streets get on top of you
[00:47.23] Robyn just hold that smile, you'll see this through
[00:52.55] You got a beautiful soul that I'm blessed to have know
[00:56.80] A few mistakes but a heart of gold
[01:00.39] Robyn don't let these streets get on top of you
[01:04.59] Oooh no
[01:12.52] You're sitting on those cold out stairs
[01:15.35] Ain't exactly what the people call paradise
[01:19.20] But I guess it's the best that it gets
[01:21.22] I'll keep you warm through the ready night
[01:25.23] Let me see it here, have a beer with you
[01:28.41] I know I have to hold me to world sometimes
[01:32.45] Just sit and listen is the least I can do and
[01:35.54] Conversation means everything to you
[01:39.43] Robyn don't let these streets get on top of you
[01:46.17] Robyn just hold that smile, you'll see this through
[01:51.76] You got a beautiful soul that I'm blessed to have know
[01:55.39] A few mistakes but a heart of gold
[01:59.09] Robyn don't let these streets get on top of you
[02:04.61] Were merely as good we got to fulfill
[02:07.90] But couldn't see us in the steps
[02:11.24] I could never feel, could never worry
[02:14.38] About baby mind were going next
[02:17.62] But did you take as your pickup mind
[02:20.96] Would I ever see your face again
[02:24.10] Oooooh,Robyn
[02:31.29] Oooooh,Robyn
[02:37.62] Oooooh,Robyn
[02:44.54] Oooooh,Robyn
[03:02.95] Robyn don't let these streets get on top of you
[03:10.04] Robyn just hold that smile, you'll see this through
[03:15.70] Robyn don't let these streets get on top of you
[03:23.10] Robyn just hold that smile, you'll see this through
[03:29.37] Oooooh,Robyn
[03:37.67] Oooooh
[00:13.49] 城市中的人们步伐匆匆
[00:15.47] 假装着他们依旧纯洁如初
[00:19.82] 出卖自我的灵魂进行交易,如同道路的一部分
[00:22.66] 就像你的朋友一样,把泥土擦干净
[00:25.96] 嘿 天真幼稚的人 我告诉你 你是个流浪汉 你是个乞丐
[00:29.81] 这就是你将要听到的
[00:32.94] 我们每个人遭受的挫折多于幸福
[00:36.08] 你失声痛哭 司空见惯
[00:39.58] 但总有一个人(Robyn) 他绝不让你迷失于众多城市街道
[00:47.23] 你终究会明白 会有一个人(Robyn )一直对你保持微笑
[00:52.55] 我很幸运 我知道 你拥有一个美好的灵魂
[00:56.80] 不时犯错却有一颗金子般的美好心灵
[01:00.39] 总有一个人(Robyn) 他绝不让你迷失于众多城市街道
[01:04.59] 哦 不
[01:12.52] 你正坐在那些冰冷刺骨的楼梯上
[01:15.35] 这不是人们口中的天堂
[01:19.20] 但我想这是最好的
[01:21.22] 我会在即将到来的夜晚温暖着你
[01:25.23] 让我来看看你,和你一起喝杯啤酒
[01:28.41] 我知道 有时候我不得不把我带到世界
[01:32.45] 坐下听你倾诉是我能做的最微不足道的事情
[01:35.54] 但是对你来说 这却意味着一切
[01:39.43] 但总有一个人(Robyn) 他绝不让你迷失于众多城市街道
[01:46.17] 你终究会明白 会有一个人(Robyn )一直对你保持微笑
[01:51.76] 我很幸运 我知道 你拥有一个美好的灵魂
[01:55.39] 不时犯错却有一颗金子般的美好心灵
[01:59.09] 总有一个人(Robyn) 他绝不让你迷失于众多城市街道
[02:04.61] 我们每个人所做的都一样美好
[02:07.90] 但在人生的旅途无法看到彼此
[02:11.24] 我永远不会知晓,永远也不会担心
[02:14.38] 你的想法将怎么发展
[02:17.62] 但是你是否接纳了你自己的想法
[02:20.96] 我是否会再次看到你的脸
[02:24.10] 哦 魂牵梦绕的那个人
[02:31.29] 哦 山盟海誓的那个人
[02:37.62] 哦 执子之手的那个人
[02:44.54] 哦 与子偕老的那个人
[03:02.95] 他绝不让你迷失于众多城市街道
[03:10.04] 你终究会明白 他一直会对你微笑
[03:15.70] 他绝不让你迷失于众多城市街道
[03:23.10] 你终究会明白 他一直会对你微笑
[03:29.37] 哦 生命中最重要的那个人