

歌名 Lullaby
歌手 OneRepublic
专辑 Waking Up
[00:55.00] Days feel hard earned
[01:00.65] Night grows longer
[01:03.30] Summer says its goodbyes
[01:06.00] And darkness covers
[01:13.23] We find shelter
[01:16.44] Our own place to hide
[01:24.42][01:36.73][02:48.97][03:04.42] Oh
[01:25.58][02:51.00] As the light goes out
[01:28.31][02:55.42] Thoughts turn to angels
[01:33.19] Over us
[01:38.73][03:06.23] As the night comes in
[01:42.03][03:09.54] Dreams start their drifting
[01:45.53] And you hear
[01:50.03][02:03.16][03:16.23][03:19.35] A lullaby
[01:57.72] Ooooooh
[02:13.97][03:38.04][03:41.30] You and I
[02:22.16] Trees touch windows
[02:25.35] Say their hellos
[02:28.47] We hear this house as it settles in
[02:32.22] Worry slips away
[02:38.97] It don't know your name
[02:42.66] It don't know where to find us
[03:00.04] All around us
[03:12.54] And we hear
[03:58.23] Ooooooooooh
[00:55.00] 崎岖白日
[01:00.65] 无尽黑夜
[01:03.30] 昼长夜短的夏日终将告别
[01:06.00] 暗色倾泻
[01:13.23] 求来一隅
[01:16.44] 你我与世隔绝的天外天
[01:25.58] 灯火阑珊
[01:28.31] 祈向神灵
[01:33.19] 交付芜杂纷乱的心绪
[01:38.73] 夜幕降临
[01:42.03] 梦溪过川
[01:45.53] 侧耳聆听
[01:50.03] 一首摇篮曲
[01:57.72] 哦……
[02:03.16] 一曲为入眠
[02:13.97] 你和我的世界
[02:22.16] 树枝摇曳
[02:25.35] 轻声细语
[02:28.47] 沉寂安详的小屋合上双眼
[02:32.22] 忧虑随风而逝
[02:38.97] 他不知你名
[02:42.66] 更无处觅寻
[02:51.00] 灯火微醺
[02:55.42] 祈向神灵
[03:00.04] 包裹我们以纯净的以太
[03:06.23] 夜色拂来
[03:09.54] 梦溪过川
[03:12.54] 闭目倾听
[03:16.23] 一首摇篮曲
[03:19.35] 一曲驱梦魇
[03:38.04] 只有你我
[03:41.30] 你和我的世界
[03:58.23] 哦……