Door Number Three

Door Number Three

歌名 Door Number Three
歌手 Sara Bareilles
专辑 What's Inside: Songs from Waitress
[00:07.53] Door number two
[00:09.31] It's for you, little lady
[00:11.10] Is it all that you dreamed of?
[00:14.98] How, if I knew, would've been there waiting
[00:18.39] I'd have screamed out and jumped up
[00:22.44] Now here I am
[00:24.17] With my feet on the sand
[00:26.09] And a body that won't move
[00:29.82] The tide's coming in
[00:31.68] And I'm bound for a swim
[00:33.43] In a pair of cement shoes
[00:37.09] He takes what he can, what he wants
[00:40.09] Doesn't matter if it's ever been given
[00:44.71] I took the bait and a chance on a man
[00:48.26] Sold by the boy that he lived in
[00:52.07] And I was wrong to believe that strength makes you strong
[00:59.42] And I had hope in a change I would see in us both
[01:06.19] And now I'm heavy
[01:09.43] And he lifts me, but never once carried
[01:14.74] Door number two I've already walked through
[01:22.50] Ask me the question
[01:24.46] Who coulda guessed I'd be here at this crossroad?
[01:30.03] Plain to be seen that it's all up to me
[01:33.57] I'm no longer alone, though
[01:37.14] Nothing's changed
[01:39.02] And I see it more every day
[01:44.28] Nothing moves
[01:46.38] It's a game to be played and to lose
[01:51.34] And now I'm heavy, unsteady
[01:55.54] But maybe I'm getting ready
[01:59.38] And this might catch fire and char this ground
[02:06.11] I might lift this up
[02:08.22] To only be the one who's gonna get let down
[02:13.72] Will I be enough to get this on its way to find some higher ground?
[02:20.90] Before the waters rush
[02:23.03] I've got to make a change or else I know I'll drown
[02:30.20] Baby, look around
[02:33.89] Door number two I've already walked through
[02:41.67] I wanna see what's behind door number three
[00:07.53] 他们说第二条路
[00:09.31] 就是给我这样的小女孩的
[00:11.10] 说我遇到的一切都会是我梦寐以求的
[00:14.98] 但我又何尝不知世上怎会有白白等你去吃的午餐呢
[00:18.39] 于是我一路哭喊着跌撞着
[00:22.44] 走过来了
[00:24.17] 泥足深陷着
[00:26.09] 动弹不得
[00:29.82] 而身后的潮水就快来了
[00:31.68] 而我只能在这潮水中沉浮 别无选择
[00:33.43] 任鞋子也浸泡在水中
[00:37.09] 他带走了他能带走和想带走的
[00:40.09] 不管那些是不是属于他的 都拿走了
[00:44.71] 我孤注一掷义无反顾做出的选择
[00:48.26] 却被他无情出卖了
[00:52.07] 而我也再没有坚强下去的勇气
[00:59.42] 还奢望着变迁能让我们更懂得彼此懂得包容
[01:06.19] 却只留给我难以承受的重
[01:09.43] 他给的爱将我高高举起飘在空中 却忘了将我带走
[01:14.74] 而他们说这第二条路无比适合我 却让我这样跌跌撞撞地走过
[01:22.50] 你问我
[01:24.46] 谁能料到我会处在这样艰难的十字路口
[01:30.03] 看似一路坦途 而选择权也都在我手中
[01:33.57] 我不再那么孤独
[01:37.14] 虽然生活还是一成不变
[01:39.02] 而我每天却都有懂得 成长和改变
[01:44.28] 一切都没有改变
[01:46.38] 若生活是一场游戏那么失败也在所难免
[01:51.34] 失败虽然让我负重累累 摇摇欲坠
[01:55.54] 但也让我为明天做足充分准备
[01:59.38] 我的斗志也似乎被点燃 燃尽心中黑暗
[02:06.11] 迎难而上
[02:08.22] 成为我想成为的自己 放下过去
[02:13.72] 一直往前走 是否能步步提升 达到心之所向
[02:20.90] 在汹涌的潮水袭来之前
[02:23.03] 我必须有所察觉并做出改变 否则就只有溺毙在这危险里面
[02:30.20] 亲爱的 你抬头看看就会发现
[02:33.89] 这第二条路尽管危险 但我已坚持着将它走遍
[02:41.67] 第三条路就横在我面前 我也想勇敢地去体验体验