

歌名 Freedom
歌手 Maidden
歌手 Novatunes
专辑 Freedom
[00:16.64] I should like to help everyone if possible-
[00:18.73] Jew, Gentile, black men, white…
[00:22.54] We all want to help one another.
[00:24.21] Human beings are like that.
[00:26.28] We want to live by each others’ happiness,
[00:28.07] not by each other’s misery.
[00:30.22] We don't want to hate and despise one another.
[00:32.88] In this world there is room for everyone.
[00:34.56] And the good earth is rich
[00:36.55] and can provide for everyone.
[00:38.60] The way of life can be free and beautiful,
[00:41.79] but we have lost the way.
[00:44.17] Greed has poisoned men’s souls.
[01:41.04] We have developed speed,
[01:42.61] but we have shut ourselves in.
[01:44.68] Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want.
[01:47.71] Our knowledge has made us cynical;
[01:49.80] our cleverness, hard and unkind.
[01:52.02] We think too much and feel too little.
[01:55.36] More than machinery ,we need humanity.
[01:58.26] More than cleverness,
[01:59.66] we need kindness and gentleness.
[02:03.53] Without these qualities,
[02:04.71] life will be violent and all will be lost.
[02:08.33] The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together.
[02:11.32] The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in man;
[02:14.96] cries out for universal brotherhood; for the unity of us all.
[02:18.48] Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world,—
[02:22.05] millions of despairing men,women,and little children-
[02:25.57] victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people.
[00:16.64] 如果可能的话 我想帮助所有的人
[00:18.73] 不论犹太人还是非犹太人 黑种人还是白种人
[00:22.54] 我们都要互相帮助
[00:24.21] 做人应当如此
[00:26.28] 我们要把生活建筑在别人的幸福上
[00:28.07] 而不是建筑在别人的痛苦上
[00:30.22] 我们不是要彼此仇恨 互相鄙视
[00:32.88] 这个世界上有足够的地方让所有人生活
[00:34.56] 大地是富饶的
[00:36.55] 是可以让每一个人丰衣足食的
[00:38.60] 生活的道路可以是自由的 美丽的
[00:41.79] 只可惜我们迷失了方向
[00:44.17] 贪婪毒化了人的灵魂
[01:41.04] 我们发展了速度
[01:42.61] 但是我们隔离了自己
[01:44.68] 机器是应当创造财富的 但它反而给我们带来了贫穷
[01:47.71] 我们有了知识 反而看破一切
[01:49.80] 我们学的聪明乖巧了 反而变得冷酷无情了
[01:52.02] 我们头脑用的多了 感情用得太少了
[01:55.36] 我们更需要的不是机器 而是人性
[01:58.26] 我们更需要的不是聪明乖巧
[01:59.66] 而是仁慈温情
[02:03.53] 缺少了这些品格
[02:04.71] 人生就会变得残暴 一切就完了
[02:08.33] 飞机和无线电缩短了我们之间的距离
[02:11.32] 这些东西的性质 本身就是为了发挥人类的优良品质
[02:14.96] 要求全世界的人彼此友爱 要求我们大家互相团结
[02:18.48] 现在世界上就有千百万人听到我的声音-
[02:22.05] 千百万失望的男人 女人 小孩
[02:25.57] 他们都是一个制度下的受害者