

歌名 Silhouette
歌手 Julia Holter
专辑 Have You In My Wilderness
[00:22.06] I go out to find
[00:26.95] The one with whom I've seen all hours' moons
[00:32.93] Once the curtains lifted
[00:37.14] And he said I only swim to you
[00:46.39] Language is such a play
[00:50.63] He called his exit but his eyes irresolute
[00:57.20] What pasts still sit today
[01:01.40] I feel I'm walking around in blue
[01:21.67] He can hear me sing
[01:24.15] He can hear me sing
[01:26.10] Though he is far I'll never lose sight of him
[01:34.95] He turned to me then looked away
[01:39.21] A silhouette
[01:40.34] A silhouette
[01:44.10] Still returns to me
[01:51.21] I'll hand him his coat
[01:55.80] It's exactly where he left it long ago
[02:01.93] We'll fall all over floorboards
[02:06.38] I lose my breath just envisioning the scene
[02:15.33] Mysteries that wake up late the table's set
[02:21.35] And the painting of his face
[02:26.18] No time to hesitate
[02:30.52] I cede all my light and play abandoned fool
[00:22.06] 我将前去寻找
[00:26.95] 那个同我见证阴晴圆缺的人
[00:32.93] 以往的每个清晨,当阳光照进房间时
[00:37.14] 他都会对我说:“即使天涯海角也只倾心于你。”
[00:46.39] 他的话语不过骗人的把戏罢了
[00:50.63] 即使如此,他要离开时,眼神中还是流露着踌躇
[00:57.20] 往昔历历在目
[01:01.40] 而我却只能在忧郁中徘徊不前
[01:21.67] 他会静静地聆听我歌唱
[01:24.15] 准确地分辨出每一个音律
[01:26.10] 即使很远,他也从未走出我的视线
[01:34.95] 转身望见我,却又将目光投向别处
[01:39.21] 不过是个剪影罢了
[01:40.34] 那样的琢磨不透
[01:44.10] 但终将会回到我的身旁吧
[01:51.21] 我会在他曾经远去的地点
[01:55.80] 为他递上外套
[02:01.93] 我们会在地板上缠绵
[02:06.38] 这样的场景使我心潮澎湃
[02:15.33] 却直到迟迟醒来,惊奇地发现自己不过是趴在桌上熟睡
[02:21.35] 眼前仅是一副他的画像
[02:26.18] 我告诉自己,没时间再犹豫了
[02:30.52] 便竭尽全力照亮那个剪影,却发现自己不过是个徒劳的傻瓜