Blame It On My Youth

Blame It On My Youth

歌名 Blame It On My Youth
歌手 Blink-182
专辑 Blame It On My Youth
[00:00.000] 作词 : Mark Hoppus/Travis Barker/Matt Skiba/Sam Hollander/Tim Pagnotta/Matt Malpass
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Mark Hoppus/Travis Barker/Matt Skiba/Sam Hollander/Tim Pagnotta/Matt Malpass
[00:02.970] Blame it, blame it on my youth
[00:17.557] I wasn't born with the rich blood
[00:20.066] I started out with plenty of nothing at all
[00:23.559] I got stuck in the thick mud
[00:25.725] The flash flood, punk rock, and the alcohol
[00:29.020] I was raised on a rerun
[00:31.557] I was bored to death, so I started a band
[00:34.269] Cut my teeth on a safety dance
[00:36.452] My attention span never stood a chance
[00:39.342] It's too late
[00:41.663] Can you forgive me now?
[00:44.507] You could never kill my high
[00:47.264] I'm the ink and you're the headline (Oh)
[00:50.634] Blame it, blame it on my youth
[00:53.426] Blame it, blame it on my youth
[00:55.978] You can never block my shine
[00:58.545] I've been lost since 1999 (Oh)
[01:02.087] Blame it, blame it on my youth
[01:04.991] Blame it, blame it on my youth
[01:07.577] (Blame, blame, blame on my youth)
[01:11.570] I wasn't made for the good life
[01:13.753] I ended up getting stuck on the side of the road
[01:16.886] I tripped and fell on hard times
[01:19.526] Tough breaks are the only kind I know
[01:22.703] I was left on a door step
[01:25.199] I was scared to death with nowhere to go
[01:28.086] Cut myself on the neighbors' fence
[01:30.057] That I hopped as the cops tried to take me in
[01:32.938] It's too late
[01:35.323] Can you forgive me now?
[01:38.316] You could never kill my high
[01:40.872] I'm the ink and you're the headline (Oh)
[01:44.234] Blame it, blame it on my youth
[01:47.117] Blame it, blame it on my youth
[01:49.484] You could never block my shine
[01:52.333] I've been lost since 1999 (Oh)
[01:55.743] Blame it, blame it on my youth
[01:58.513] Blame it, blame it on my youth
[02:01.816] I was raised on the Ritalin
[02:07.625] Ever since I was a little kid (Little kid)
[02:13.521] No one ever seemed to give a **** (Give a ****)
[02:18.921] And I don't need an excuse
[02:21.832] I don't need an excuse
[02:23.635] You could never kill my high
[02:26.174] I'm the ink and you're the headline
[02:29.587] Blame it, blame it on my youth
[02:32.341] Blame it, blame it on my youth
[02:34.555] You can never block my shine
[02:37.508] I've been lost since 1999 (Oh)
[02:40.887] Blame it, blame it on my youth
[02:43.691] Blame it, blame it on my youth
[02:46.129] You can never kill my high (Endless summer)
[02:48.587] I'm the ink and you're the headline (Stretching on and on)
[02:52.241] Blame it, blame it on my youth (Oh, oh)
[02:55.172] Blame it, blame it on my youth (Oh, oh)
[02:57.550] Endless summer
[03:00.696] Stretching on and on
[00:02.970] 要怪 就怪我年少轻狂
[00:17.557] 我生来并无贵族血统
[00:20.066] 打小就历经诸多磨难(Mark出生于加州沙漠小镇 父母在他八岁时离婚)
[00:23.559] 我深陷这潭无底泥沼
[00:25.725] 暴洪袭来 我只有朋克和酒精作伴
[00:29.020] 那时我整天看着电视重播 毫无新意
[00:31.557] 无聊至极 直到组建了一支乐队(1992年乐队成立 同时此句照应2016年单曲Bored to Death)
[00:34.269] 从Safety Dance开始接触音乐(1982年Men without Hats热门单曲)
[00:36.452] 幼年的我三分钟热度 对什么都不能坚持
[00:39.342] 现在是否为时已晚
[00:41.663] 你还能否将我原谅
[00:44.507] 你永远也不能磨灭我的劲头
[00:47.264] 你若是那报纸头条 我就是用来印刷的水墨
[00:50.634] 若要责怪 就怪我年少轻狂吧
[00:53.426] 桀骜不驯 本就是年轻的本性
[00:55.978] 你永远也无法掩盖我的光芒
[00:58.545] 我在1999年就踏上了这条不归路(Matt、组建的乐队Alkaline Trio于1999年发布首张专辑Goddamnit)
[01:02.087] 若要责怪 就怪我年少轻狂吧
[01:04.991] 桀骜不驯 本就是年轻的本性
[01:07.577] (要怪 就怪我年少轻狂)
[01:11.570] 我生来就没准备过上安稳的日子
[01:13.753] 这致使我进退两难 迷惘不知去向
[01:16.886] 我在困难中摸爬滚打
[01:19.526] 尝过的辛酸谁又能懂
[01:22.703] 我也曾无家可归 独自坐在门阶上
[01:25.199] 害怕得要命 却也无处可去
[01:28.086] 也曾犯过错误 警察来逮捕我
[01:30.057] 在翻越邻居家栅栏时受了伤
[01:32.938] 现在是否为时已晚
[01:35.323] 你还能否将我原谅
[01:38.316] 你永远也不能磨灭我的劲头
[01:40.872] 你若是那报纸头条 我就是用来印刷的水墨
[01:44.234] 若要责怪 就怪我年少轻狂吧
[01:47.117] 桀骜不驯 本就是年轻的本性
[01:49.484] 你永远也无法掩盖我的光芒
[01:52.333] 我在1999年就踏上了这条不归路
[01:55.743] 若要责怪 就怪我年少轻狂吧
[01:58.513] 桀骜不驯 本就是年轻的本性
[02:01.816] 我被冠以机能亢进之名(Ritalin被用以治疗注意力缺陷多动症)
[02:07.625] 自打我还是孩子时开始
[02:13.521] 似乎从没人愿意搭理我
[02:18.921] 而我无需为自己找借口
[02:21.832] 所有的托词都苍白无力
[02:23.635] 你永远也不能磨灭我的劲头
[02:26.174] 你若是那报纸头条 我就是用来印刷的水墨
[02:29.587] 若要责怪 就怪我年少轻狂吧
[02:32.341] 桀骜不驯 本就是年轻的本性
[02:34.555] 你永远也无法掩盖我的光芒
[02:37.508] 我在1999年就踏上了这条不归路
[02:40.887] 若要责怪 就怪我年少轻狂吧
[02:43.691] 桀骜不驯 本就是年轻的本性
[02:46.129] 你永远也不能磨灭我的劲头
[02:48.587] 你若是那报纸头条 我就是用来印刷的水墨
[02:52.241] 若要责怪 就怪我年少轻狂吧
[02:55.172] 桀骜不驯 本就是年轻的本性
[02:57.550] 这夏日永无尽头
[03:00.696] 就让我竭尽所能 挥洒热血